23 DECEMBER 1837, Page 2

The session of the French Chambers was opened on Monday,

by King Louis PHILIP. The royal speech was a commonplace affair. The country was declared to be happy and tranquil, and the reve- nue increasing. The mention of the Queen of Spain had more cordiality than Louts Plume has recently manifested. The glories of the African expedition, and the marriage of the Duke of ORLEANS and the Princess MARIE, were duly noticed. Nothing was said of the last conspiracy against his life. On the whole, the speech seems to have given satisfaction ; quite as much for the discreet omission to notice the plot, as for any thing it con- tained.

The preliminary election of Committees in the Chamber proves that the Centre Gauche have rained strength, and the Doctrinaires Are very feeble. TRIERS and DUPIN are the chiefs of the Centre Gauche. LAFFITTE will probably be elected for Toulouse, vacant by the retirement of Marshal CLAUSE!.