23 DECEMBER 1837, Page 9

rbr Court.

THE Queen has not seen much company at the Palace this week. On Thursday, there was a dimmer-party, including Lard Melbourne, Lord John Russell, Lord Holland, Mr. Spring Rice, and Mr. Rogers. On Monday, the Queen went to see Macbeth at Covent Garden Theatre. These appear to have been the only gayeties in which her Majesty has indulged. She gives daily audiences to Lord Melbourne, however, who no doubt makes the time not devoted to the mere signing of papers pass very agreeably; and on Wednesday a Privy Council was held at the Palace. The Lord Mayor had an audience to request that her Majesty would sit for a picture, which might be placed in the Guild- hall, in commemoration of her first visit to the City. To-day, the Queen goes to the House of Lords to thank Parliament fur her Civil List, according to the usual form.