BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)
Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Wednes Thera.
shut - - - 951 ex d 951 951 93 951
961 961 961 96t 961 964-
1021 102f 102+ 1021 1021 1021 shut
125 - 121 121 12* - 103 183 1834 1831 shut -- - 59 pm. 59 58 58 58 BULLION. METALS.
Geld, d, orei gatr w1 0 0 a a es . 31. 171. Copper, British Cakes.per ton 551.0.. Oto 86 ISO o s .
Iron, British Bars 5 2 6 - 0 05
Meelcan Doll.ars.... ..... 0 4 91 Lela, British Fig- 17 te 0 -17 17 • Silver in Bars, Standard 0 4 11} Stal, English o a o -0 60
GRAIN, Mark Lane, December 22. s. •• Oats, Feed . • 16to111 Fine . ,.u11 Poland. . RS Fine 22.. SI Potato..
Vine 1111 24
DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Far the present Week.
Wheat Ma. Oct / Rye 10a. 6.1 Barley ........ 6 0 Beans .. 10 6 Oats 55 Peas SO PROVISIONS.
BUTTER-Best Freels. Me. id, pr dos. Carlow, 21.13s. to 41.64. per cwt.
BACON, Small Old, per cwt.... Os. to Os. CHEESE, Cheshire Onto Os.
Derby Plain 46s. to MI. HAMS, York 6O5. t. MM. EGGS, French.- per 120 Os. Od to is. Od. per cwt. Molasses.- Ifs. to 29e. per cwt.
NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL! SMITHFIELD! Beef Cs. 64. to 3s. Od. is 30. ad. 3s. Od. to 4. 01. to Si. 44.
Mutton 2 4 .. E 10 .. 3 6 3 2 .. 4 0 .. 4 S
Veal 5 8 .. 3 4 .. 4 4 3 I ._ 4 0 .. 4 5
Pork 25 .. a a .. 4 5 8 5 . 4 0 .. 4 •
Lamb 00 ..00 ..0 0 ....... 0 0 ..11 0 ..0 0
• To sink the offal-per site. HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD.
Neut... Sheep. Calves. Pigs.
Friday 552 ....,... 5,310 100 350 Monday 3,061.
Hay, Good... .......... . .. 68a.... Ths...... N.,. 75, ..... es... On Sin.. 700.
Inferior 53,.55 0 .. 0 New
Clover PS .. /00 7$ .. DM 0 ... 0 .. .. 57 .. 105 War:straw as .. Iii 25 .. 30 ..... 0 .. 0 ..... 21 .. 25
FO (Last Official Quotation Alabama (Sterling) Sp. Ct.
Austrian 5 -
Belgian 5 -
Brazilian 5
Buenos Ayres 6 Cuba 6 - Chiliau 6 - Columbian of 1824 6 - Danish 3 -
Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 25 - Ditto (Ditto) 5 -
French 3 Ditto 5 Indiana (Sterling) 5 -
Illinois 6 -
Kentucky 6 - Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - Maryland (Sterling) 5 - Massachusetts (Sterling) 5 -
daring the Week ending Friday Evening.) - Mexican 5p. Ct. - Ditto (Deferred) 5 1031 Michigan 6 731 Mississippi (Sterling) 6 291 Neapolitan - New York (1858) 5 100 Ohio 11/ Pennsylvania Peruvian 551 Portuguese 991 Ditto (Converted) 81f. Russian Spanish 41 Ditto (Passive) - Ditto (Deferred) - South Carolina - Tennessee - United States Bank - Virginia 6 5 6 5
5 r, Ct.
- 6 - 311 91
90 ex d.
68 43/ 116
90 20s, SHARES.
ring the Week ending Friday Evening.) Bssars-
- Australasian
- , British North American
Colonial - ' London and Westminster , London Joint Stock 1 National of Ireland National Provincial - Provincial of Ireland 51 Union of Australia 01 Union of London - focus -
3} East and West India
- London
42 St. Katherine 5( MISCELLANEOUS -
54 Anstraliau Agricultural 30 British American Land 51 Canada
G1 General Steam
New Zealand • Royal Mail Steam 44- , South Australian O Van Diemen's Land. (Last Official Quotation du
Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) 1 British Iron
• , Cundoesuo. Cobre Copper 2 RAILWAYS- Cheltenham and Great Western.
5 Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties 1 Grand Junction Great Western..
Liverpool and Manchester
London and Brighton
London and Blackwell .
Loudon and Greenwich London and Birmingham 2 Loudon and Croydon 1 Manchester and Leeds 9 Midland Comities 85 North Midland 8 South-eastern and Dover 3
South-western 7
12/ 13 34
101 128
4 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced
35 per Cents. Reduced
New 31 per Cents Long Annuities
Bank Stock, 7 per cent.
India Stock, 101 Exchequer Bills. lid. p. diem India Bonds, 31 per cent
Wheat, RedNewaBlo 44
Fine 46 . 55 Old 44 ..Os
White 46 .. 48
Fine 50 58
SuperfineNew 48 ..54
RIO 26 to 35 Barley 00,. 27
&felting 80 -32 Malt.Ordiaery 54 ..SO
Fine 58 60
Peas, Hog.... 27 .. 28
Maple 29 la ae
While 55. 84 Boilers 32 Si Beans, Ticks as .. no Old Harrow 28 .. 32 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN, Per Quarter (Imperiat) of England and Wales.
Wheat St.. itC. I Rye 30s. 2d. Harley- 32 0 Brans . 92 0
Oats 18 10 Peas --------53 5 FLOUR.
Town-made per sack 454. to 305. Seconds 40 -... 45
Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 93 - 40
Kinfolk and Stockton 30 53 BRAN per quarter Os. to Oa. POLLARD. fine Os. to Os.
BREAD. 551. to llid. the 41b. Loaf, Average price of 51uscorado Buger...... 335. 61d.
rent Pockets.
Choice Ditto Snags Pockets Fine Ditto POTATOES.
103s to 1154. York Reds paten ifIls.te 130 -• 0 Scotch Reds ma - 110 Deems Ili - 115 Rent and Essex Whites SG
10 011