be lattropolis.
A Court of Common Council was held on Monday, for the despatch of business ; and the debate on the proposed scheme of Corporation Reform was renewed. The original motion before the Court was, that the Court do agree to the report of the Committee incorporating that scheme ; to which Alderman Brown had moved an amendment, depre- cating the project as an invasion of the rights of the freemen. Sir Pe- ter Laurie opposed the report ; which he declared to be abandoned by members of the Committee who had signed it. He objected to it as ins. posing cost on the poor man before he could acquire the privileges of voting ; and asked if the great Livery companies, distinguished for their charity and hospitality, were to be deprived of their privileges ? He condemned the whole scheme as " visionary." Mr. W. Jones con- tended that the right of voting was anciently in the commonalty, and would not permit absentee freemen to retain the right. The report was opposed by Mr. W. Lawrence, Mr. Gadsden, and Mr. Hill ; and sup- ported by Mr. Bower and Mr. Heppel. Mr. R. L. Jones objected strongly to going to Parliament, as encouraging further encroachments on the privileges of the City, already sufficiently threatened. Even. tually, the original motion was rejected, by 113 to 54. The amendment having been put, Mr. Ashurst moved a further amendment, which be had announced somewhat earlier in the debate-
" That it be referred to a Ward Committee to inquire into the power of this Corporation to enforce upon all persons, whether carrying on business whole- sale or retail within this city, the obligation of taking up the freedom of this city, and the propriety of enforcing the same upon all traders whomsoever, and particularly upon wholesale dealers ; with liberty to the said Committee to report any information on the matter or other suggestions to this Court which they may think fit; and that the consideration of the report of the Election Act Committee be adjourned until the said Committee now to be appointed shall have reported to this Court."
This amendment, with a slight alteration was carried. Its effect is to throw out the report and the proposed bill.
Thursday was St. Thomas's Day, and the several Wards of the City proceeded to elect their representatives in the Common Council for
the year. There were some changes ; but the accounts respecting them are so imperfect, that the general effect cannot be characterized; and to enumerate the names would tell as little. The scheme of Corporation Reform was noticed at most of the Ward meetings, but generally nothing very decisive was elicited. In the Ward of Farringdon Without, a reso- lution against the measure was passed, and also one against the Corn. laws. In this ward, Mr. Steill, of Paternoster Row, proposed himself as a candidate, but could not find a seconder ! In Queenhitbe Ward, partial approval of the Corporation Reform measure was expressed. In Walbrook, Mr. Frederick Rock, Alderman Gibbs's eager opponent, was a candidate : the show of hands was against him, and a poll was demanded. Yesterday, he resigned.
The " Select " Vestry of St. Stephen's Walbrook met yesterday, and Alderman Gibbs produced his accounts for the period since 1824; a bound volume about the size of a family Bible. The Alderman had made such arrangements that he succeeded in keeping out the pa- rishioners, who besieged the door ; and Mr. Rock incurred, pro forma a forcible repulse by the Police, in order to ulterior proceedings.
Mr. Charles Pearson concluded his public address in vindication of himself and the London Corporation from the attacks of the Westminster Review, at the London Tavern, on Monday. He accused the reviewer of misrepresenting facts. For instance, in describing Mr. Pearson's emoluments, one item was set down thus—" To C. Pearson, Esq., in respect to Magistrates and Police, 1,4131."; whereas in the original
from which it was taken it ran thus—" To Charles Pearson, Esq., City Solicitor, on account of his bills of disbursement for conducting certain
business, &c., 1,413/." Several other items of disbursement through Mr.
Pearson were set down as payments to him. The Chairman Mr. Travers, read a letter from Mr. W. E. Hickson, the editor of the Re-
view, stating that he should not reply at all to " the vituperative por- tion" of Mr. Pearson's observations ; but that be should be willing to give that revision of the allegations which the public might expect, on being allowed access to the notes of Mr. Pearson's short-hand-writer, and to the official documents quoted in the address. One charge, be allowed, had been successfully refuted : it had been shown that Mr. Pearson had virtually declined to be a party to the prosecution of non- freemen for redemption fines and fees. Mr. Pearson undertook to give the desired access to the short-hand notes and documents. Mr. Travers then invited the meeting to join him in thanking Mr. Pearson for his able statement. He had met the charges or imputations brought against him in a very manly, very frank, and very satisfactory manner. Mr. Travers, though still disapproving of the existing constitution of the Corporation, as ill adapted to the present times, was agreeably sur- prised to hear of the number of practical reforms in its administration,
expenditure, and details, which had been stated by Mr. Pearson. He submitted to the meeting some resolutions, which he had drawn up without consulting any other person- " That, in the opinion of this meeting, Mr. Pearson has successfully vindi• cated his integrity and consistency as a public man, from the imputations cast upon him by an article in the Westminster Review of May last. That they are moreover of opinion, that the amount and sources of Mr. Pearson's income and emoluments, stated in that Review, are, as explained by him, at variance with the real facts; and, so far as they are able to judge, do not exceed that fair and proper remuneration which is necessary to maintain the character and position of a gentleman, and a high public officer. "That this meeting are indebted to Mr. Pearson for a large amount of in- formation, which, in detailing his long connexion with the Corporation of Lon- don, he has communicated; and that his statements have corrected many pre- vailing errors, as well as proved the great advantages that may be derived frona a good system of local government based upon a representative principle.
Mr. Elliott objected to any resolutions until the matter had been more thoroughly sifted; but the sense of the meeting was against him, and he withdrew. The resolutions were then moved by Mr. Blackett, seconded by Mr. Nicholson, and carried unanimously. Thanks having been voted to the Chairman, the meeting was dissolved.
The City Committee for affording nightly shelter to the houseless poor assembled at the Mansionhouse, on Wednesday. The Lord Mayor presided, and there was a numerous attendance of noblemen and gentle- men. The Committee reported the result of their labours for the season
of 1842-3. In consequence of the increasing distress, they had found it necessary to open another asylum near the London Docks. The total number of persons assisted had been 9,840; to whom 63,340 lodgings had been afforded, and 147,574 rations of bread had been dis- tributed. The Sub-Committee managing the Central Asylum in Play- house Yard reported thus- " It was opened for the reception of the houseless poor on the 3fl January, and closed on the 4th April. The number of inmates who have been sheltered during this period is 6,681, the nightly-lodgings provided are 41,308, and the rations of bread distributed are 96,141. Though the season, as compared with the preceding seasons, has by no means been protracted or severe, yet the number of applicants has been much larger; occasioned, no doubt, by the unusual distress which has prevailed throughout the country. Before the Central Asylum had been opened a fortnight, applications for admission had become so numerous as to endanger the health both of the officers and inmates; and it was not until you had opened your Eastern Asylum, that any thing like an adequate provision was afforded for the daily increasing number of houseless applicants."
Three of the officers were much weakened by severe attacks of fever, and two of the helpers died. The Sub-Committee managing the East- ern Asylum, in East Smithfield, reported that it was opened on the 13th January, and gradually extended : the number of persons sheltered up to the time of its close, On the 4th April, was 3,159; who received 23,095 night-lodgings, and 51,433 rations of bread. In accordance with general expectation, Lord Dudley Stuart, Mr. Bond Cabbell, Lord Ranelagh, Mr. Thomas Arber, and other gentlemen connected with the West-end, were added to the Committee ; and the same gentlemen, with the addition of Lord Howard and others, were appointed a Sub- Committee for managing the Western district.
The householders of the parish of St. Clement Danes have formed themselves into committees to visit and help such of the poor as are in distress from want of work. About 1501. has already been subscribed.
A Quarterly General Court of Proprietors was held at the East India House, on Wednesday. The Chairman acquainted the Court that certain returns had been made to Parliament ; that other papers. relating to Seinde had been promised by the Board of Control, to be ready for delivery on the 26th instant ; and that the dividend-warrants would be ready for delivery on the 6th of January next. A resolution was carried in favour of giving compensation to Captain Paterson, VIA had been obliged to resign his command in the Company's navy, after thirty-four years' service, in consequence of ill-health.
A public meeting was held at the Hall of Commerce, on Tuesday, to receive the report of a Committee appointed at a previous meeting en the 19th September, to consider the best means of accelerating the In- dian mails. Mr. John Abel Smith, M.P., took the chair. The report stated that memorials on the subject had been presented to Government and to the East India Company. Government had promised immediate attention ; but from the East India Company no answer had been re- ceived. A deputation therefore waited on the President of the Board of Control, with deputations from the East India and China Association and the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce. Lord Ripon was courteous ; acknowledged the importance of the subject, and the expediency of em- ploying vessels of adequate size and power ; said that the subject had been considered by the Government in all its bearings ; and authorized the deputation to state, that the opinion of the Board of Control was, that the acceleration called for could be safely and readily obtained, and ought to be granted with the least practicable delay. Sir George Lar- pent moved that the report be adopted ; which was seconded by Mr. D. Barclay, M.P., and carried unanimously. Dr. Bowring, with some remarks on the importance of a correspondence consisting of 1,100,000 letters passing between this country and India, moved a re- solution, to the effect that it had been proved by the performances of vessels in the Indian seas, that if vessels of greater power and size, fitted up by private enterprise, were employed in the service between Bombay and Suez, persons would be able to reply to letters by the out- going mails ; and deprecating any delay in the adoption of means to that end. The resolution was seconded by Mr. Matheson, M.P. Mr. Wise moved an amendment, thanking the East India Company foe.. con- tinuing steam-communication between Bombay and Suez ; asserting that improvements in the communication between London and Suez would go far to remedy the occasional crossing of the homeward and outward mails ; recommending steam-packets to China ; but confiding in the disposition of Government and the East India Company to do what is requisite. Mr. Waghorn seconded the amendment. At the suggestion of Sir George Larpent and the Chairman, Dr. Bowring with- drew his motion ; and the amendment was also withdrawn. And, with thanks to the Chairman, the meeting broke up.
An action brought by Lord William Paget against the Earl of Car- digan, for criminal conversation with the plaintiff's wife, was appointed to be tried in the Court of Common Pleas yesterday ; but it was an- nounced that the record had been withdrawn. The Times has received a letter purporting to be from Lord William to Lord Cardigan, "couched in the most offensive terms," and imputing to the defendant "the in- famous and wicked crime of having bought and sent out of the way" the principal witness against him. The Times refuses to publish the letter ; which is also suppressed by other journals.
The Court of Queen's Bench, on Monday, tried an action for breach of promise of marriage, brought by Caroline Brett against Samuel Wade Stone. They were both natives of Bristol. Miss Brett's father was a retired upholsterer ; Mr. Stone's, a retired stove maker. Miss Brett was a Moravian ; Mr. Stone had been so, but was now a Baptist minis- ter. They became acquainted in 1834; when the gentleman was nine- teen years of age, and the lady was seventeen. In May 1835, Mr. Stone proposed marriage, but declared that the marriage could not take place for five years at least ; and the proposal was accepted. In 1837, Mr. Stone began to find fault with his affianced ; his letters expressing dis- pleasure at her inaccurate spelling, but sometimes apologizing for having said harsh or unkind things. In 1839, said Mr. Thesiger the plaintift's counsel, in the midst of reiterated professions of attachment, the lover's Itters contained several incidental observations, tending to show how little they were likely to be happy with each other ; apparently denoting a desire to wring from the young lady a declaration which should amount to a rupture of the contract ; but that was never obtained— At length he finally dropped the mask ; avowed tbat there were feelings of his respecting her inattention to the matters which he had reerred to in his former letters, and respecting, too, her manners in society, which his polished and refined mind should never be able to pass over in silence, and which could not be remarked on by him without producing a painful feeling in her mind; so that he feared whether she would be so happy with him as be desired that she should be. He objected to her expressions, her tone' her enunciation, her very walk ; and, observing, "I shall never be able to tell you all that has mor- tified me," he mentioned one matter as a serious breach of propriety—that she was going, on a certain evening, from a part of the room where she was then standing to another part of the room, to look at some prints, and in doing it went round the table with her back to two old ladies, one of whom was sitting on a sofa, and the other on a chair, when a moment's reflection would have shown her that she ought to have remained where she was, as the gentjemaa who was exhibiting the prints would of course have passed them round to her. Had it been any other lady, he added, he should have said, "How very rude I" but as to her, of course he could only say that she did not respect herself and her conduct and manners enough. Even to this letter, the object of which no man of sense could mistake, the defendant signed himself her "at- tached lover."
Ultimately, Miss Brett's brother wrote a letter of remonstrance. This was answered by a letter from Mr. Stone to the young lady ; in which he said, that a real feeling of attachment subsisted in his mind; that unless her resolution was inflexible, she would consent to put an end to the engagement ; if not, he should consent to continue it. After this letter there was no further correspondence ; and in March 1842, Mr. Stone married a Miss Gale, the daughter of a solicitor in London. The defence was, that there had been a mutual release ; and counsel relied much upon the facts, that the parties were so young when they were engaged, and that when Mr. Gale called on Miss Brett's family to ascertain "whether any thing criminal had taken place between the parties" no mention was made of the engagement. The Jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff; damage,-, 250/.
The sale of Lieutenant Munro's furniture has been interrupted in an unexpected manner. The furniture was to have been sold on Monday and Tuesday, at Mr. Munro's house in Brompton Square. At noon on Monday, just before the arrival of Mr. Kirke, the auctioneer, Mr. Wakley entered the room, accompanied by one of his sons, Super- intendent Lowry, Inspector Barefoot, and several Policemen. It is said that Mr. Wakley "appeared to be labouring under the most ex- cited feelings." He addressed a few hurried sentences to the people assembled, intimating that, as Coroner, he forbade the sale ; and then, learning Mr. Kirke's absence, he left the house to seek the auctioneer. He met him in the Square, and handed to him a notice, that whereas Alexander Thompson Munro stood charged with the wilful murder of David Lynar Fawcett, the Coroner, on behalf of the Crown, prohibited the sale of properly belonging to the accused. Mr. Kirke accordingly dismissed those who had come to the sale.
We understand that a deputation of the gentlemen interested in corn- pleting the new street in continuation of Farringdon Street and the im- provements in the vicinity, had an interview with Lord Lincoln on Tuesday, at the Office of Woods and Forests. We are happy to state, there is every reason to believe that the difficulties which have hitherto impeded the progress of this great improvement will be overcome with- out further delay, and the nuisances which have almost precluded the use of the new church will be immediately removed.—Times.