[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "Srxer.trott."] Sin,—I am inclined to think from many valuable notices on the subject that you have a duo appreciation of that domestic blessing, the Cat. Will you kindly allow me a few words on the vexed question of the deaf and blue-eyed alluded to in your last issue ? I believe there is no connection between blue eyes and deafness. beyond that of their both being attributes of the Persian Cat. This race, which is to be known also by its beautiful silky, white fur, apparently loses its hearing when transferred to our climate;. for there is no reason to think that it is deaf in its own. I never saw or heard of any oat, save this particular kind, that was either blue-eyed or deaf, and they all are both. The half or quarter- Persians are sometimes deaf with one eye blue and the other green ; or not deaf, though still with dissimilar eyes. But whatever they may be in these respects, they are uniformly faseinating,—fae sweeter-natured than the Angoras, far furrier than the English.