23 DECEMBER 1911, Page 25

The New Girl at IE. Chad's. By Angela Brazil. (Blackio

and Son. 3s. 6d.)—The " Wild Irish Girl," who comes to school for the first time in her life at the age of fifteen, is a character capable of being turned to good account, and Miss Brazil is equal to her subject. Honor Fitzgerald, who had begun life with the eccentricity of being born on February 29th, is a very lively and attractive young person, and we follow her adventures at Ste Chad's (one of the boarding-houses of Chessington College) with con- siderable interest. Is she to upset the order of the house or to be herself brought under it is the question, and the 'Chronicler of the doings of the heroine and her mates delays the answer and finally answers it in the right way.