Turning to home politics, Mr. Lloyd George announced that the
Government felt that the time had come to take complete control over all ships and to place them practically in the same position as the railways. Similar arguments applied for assuming direct control over the whole mining industry. Though we see the case against, we are on the balance of argument in favour of the Government's action. Half-control is apt to have the disadvantages of both systems. If the Go:ernment once begin to interfere dread°. ally with certain industries, they had better control them alto- gether, especially those industries which have become, for all practical purposes, part of the machinery of war. When the war is over the shipping must no doubt revert to private ownership. It looks, however, as if the railways, and possibly the mines, had better remain under Government control. But this is not a matter that can be decided now. Indeed, a great deal more light will have to be thrown on the whole problem before a final decision can be reached.