23 DECEMBER 1916, Page 15


AGRICULTITRE.—Tea-Growing in Assam: The Making of the Land in England; Agricultural Zoology; Fruit Cold-Storage; Coloninl Farming.; Farming in Eastern Bumps.

Artases.--General Atlases (handy size).

ART.—Furniture and Pictures; Water-Colour Painting (Baldry). BIOGRAPHY.—G-corga Borrow (Knapp).

Coranzacz. FINANCE, &O. actor's Guide to Canada; Sloan Deploys& Shorthand; Public Finance (Plc n). ENGINEERING.—(a) Civil, Mechanical. Ace.: Design of Steel Bridevet Reinforced Concrete; Modem Tunnel Prectioe; Railway and Ends* Work. (b) Electrical • American Electrician's Handbook (Alternating Currants); Arlied Electricity (Hebert); Electrical Engineer's Pocket- book (Foster ; Electric Motors (Hobart); Continuous Current Dynamo Design (Ho art); Motor and Dynamo Construction and Desien (e) marina : Marine Internal Combustion Engines. (d) Motor : Motor Engines (Harriman); Mechanical Starters; Motor Car Enginearint (Clarke, Vol. IL). (Modern and advanced books in civil, electrical, mechanical and motor engineering are in constant demand.] ENOLISa—Frouuaciation of English (Daniel Jones); Sounds of English (Sweet); Sounds of Spoken English(Rippmen); Phonetic Transcriptions of English (acmes); Thesaurus of English Rends (Roza); Advanced English Syntax (Onions): Style (Raleigh).

Foamox LANGUAGTS.—Gpinish : Grammars. Readers. Dictionaries. Welsh: Buchdraeth Gruffydd fabCynan (Jonee). Broton-French. French- Breton Dictionary. Russian Reading Book. and Annotated Torts. Eastern •. Malay. Grammar. H ndustani-Dictionaries and Texts (several). 'Urdu : Roemer* (and translat on). Turkish Dictionaries. Potations is Shikasta (ea let up to Higher Standard Examination).

Hisroax.—Colonial : History of Andaman Islands. Welsh Mediaeval Boroughs af Snowdonia (Lewis). Eastern : Ancient Monarchies (Rawlin- s::::leA;ient Monarchies (Sayce); Parted= Empire. European: Com- parative History (after 1100 A.D. European History, 476-1910 (lieseeill). Germany Hanover (to 1386). Netherlands : Revolt of the Netherlands MEDICINE AND SuacEay.—Anatomy (Furneaux); Tropical Disoaees (Costellani).

MeTetentioY.—Chemioal Steel-Testing.

MILITARY ART AND HISTORT.—Itusso-Turkish Campaign of 1877; Cara- paiza of 1866 (Glunicke); Waterloo (Ropes); Franco-Prussia,n War; War an Bohemia, 1866.

Music.—Cieoe Solos; Oboe Study Book; Cornet Method (Arleen); Man- doline end Orchestral Music; Modern Harnione (Advanced); Musics foe School Teacher's Certificate (Curren). [Good modern test-books on music are in frequent demand.]

NATURAL iiiseeay.—Mommalia of India (Blanford); Birds of India (Jordon).

NAVIGATION AND SEAaAasILIP.—Good works on these Subjects are in urgent demand.

Pounce, ex.—SphereofOovernment (Spencer); Economic History since Seven Years War (Rand); Governments of Europe (Oar). TELE G APR Y.—Text-Book of Telegraphy; Cables; Bandot-Printing System (Pendry).

Taape.--Linen: Flax-Spinning Process. Boot Making : Boot Making Machinery. Ship-building : Holmes, Vol. II.

Titivree—The Punjab. North-West Frontier end Kashmir (Dowieti India. its Life and Customs (Smeaton).

VETERINARY.—Books on Veterinary 'subjects are in great demand. Also books on "Hansa " (especially these by Reyes, Fitzwygram, and Dibble).

MISCELLLNEOII8.—English Costume (Clinch); Crimes of All Pasha and others (Dumas); Guide to the Professions; Indian Police Regulations.