Finally, Mr. Lloyd George• told his audience that the Government
proposed at .an early date " to summon an Imperial• Conference to place the whole position before the Dominions, to take counsel with them as to what further action they and we should take together in order to achieve an early and complete triumph for the ideals they and we have so superbly fought for." That is meat eatisfactory. We can assure our fellow-subjects of the Empire, though we do not suppose for a moment that any such assurance is needed, that they will be welcome to our councils, though not out of any desire to make them payment for their help in' the past or in the future. Our gratitude for that help is inexpressible in words, but-we-ask them to take their places at a Conference because they have an inherent and hereditary right to help to -decide en the' future of the Empire. We do not call them out of grace and' favour. They come with as• much right as the people of the United Kingdom.