John C. P. S. Day : His Forbears and Himself.
By One of His Sons. (Heath and Cranton. 7s. 6d. net.)—This filial tribute to the memory of the late Mr. Justice Day is interesting. Day seemed to the public to be a rather hard and grim personality ; in private he was a pious Roman Catholic, a devoted father, and a very sociable man. His chief hobby was picture-collecting. He filled his house with Barbizon and modern Dutch landscapes, and bought so wissly that his collection after his death fetched over £100,000 at Christie's. Mr. Day recalls some of the jokes made at Day's expense. He states as a fact that, throughout the hundred and thirteen days of the Parnell Commission, Day only once opened his mouth, and then merely con- firmed Hannen's suggestion that some evidence was irrelevant. His dry, caustic humour is illustrated in his note to a friend on the cremation of Baron Huddlestone " I had intended to go with my brother Huddle- stone to the grave ; but since he has decided to go off in flame, I cannot accompany him."