There is nob much to report from the Salonika front s
except that the pessimists continue to draw menacing pictures of how the Germans are going to bring back divisions by the half-dozen from Rumania, where it is airily said they will now no longer be required, and hurl them on our left wing around Monastir and so forth. We shall believe in these tremendous reinforcements when they appear. But even if they do appear the Allies should have no difficulty in playing the game that the Duke of Wellington played so successfully and so • often in the Torres Vedras lines. They can fall back if need be to their positions in and around Salonika and oblige the Bulgarians and Germans to follow them. But if they do this the enemy is very likely to get into serious trouble. His communi- cations will be through a very difficult mountain country in winter. These possibilities need not frighten us, for we have a sea base, but they certainly are not alluring for our foes.