23 DECEMBER 1922, Page 27


AN UNKNOWN QUANTITY. By Gerard Hopkins. (Chatto and Windus. 7s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Hopkins, having purged his mind of Oxford, now takes us through London's Bohemia. A wonderful country it is, too ; its inhabi- tants are all unknown, self-styled geniuses, the roofs in their attics have holes through which they can see the stars, and they live on sherry and beer. Everyone is dully and needlessly rude to everyone else ; morals and orderly

• Annetta and Bennett. By Gilbert Gannon. London : Hutchiason. [7s. Od. not.1 behaviour have never been heard of, and the only artistic principle is hatred of the Successful Author. The main character (there is no hero), a perfectly well-educated and well- . connected young man, falls in love with, and positively marries, a City typist at a literary agent's, who, in the invariable argot of the lower orders, says things like " You didn't ought to say them " and " Not this one isn't." It doesn't turn out so badly, though ; when she is married she improves immediately, speaks in choicer English, and gets on very well with duchesses. After this good beginning, she knocks the nonsense out of her husband and makes him a Successful Author. Of course, he puts up a fight, but Mr. Hopkins's moral is " If he's going to give in like this, he can't have been much to begin with, anyhow."