[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sin,—I take the liberty of addressing you. I have been a professional rat-catcher and vermin destroyer for twenty-five years. Rats, mice, beetles, ants, moths, crickets, bugs, steam flies, &c., &e. I have cleared rats and vermin from steamers (Salford Docks), cafés, warehouses, institutions, bakeries, hospitals, hotels, stables, railway stations, &e. My references as to character and ability are of the best.
I am fifty years of age, married, ex-service man, active, punctual and reliable. If you will be good enough to put me in touch with any Board of Agriculture or corporation requiring an experienced rat-catcher I would be extremely glad. Would be willing to go anywhere, Beds., Bucks., or any other district. In September, when the newspapers reported the musk-rat trouble in Shropshire, and that trappers were at work, I wrote to the Shropshire Board of Agriculture at Shrewsbury. After six weeks' delay they replied "that all vacancies for trappers were filled."
Quite recently the newspapers, again commenting on the musk-rat trouble in Shropshire, reported thirty trappers at work. I again wrote to Shrewsbury Board of Agriculture, offering my services for work. However, I received a similar reply to that which I received to my first application, that "all the vacancies for trappers have been filled." So I presume it is only local men that are being considered. I will always be glad to hear from you.—! am, Sir, lie.,
16 Norburn Road, Longsight, Manchester.