Ten Per Cent. Protection It is a good sign when
so convinced a Protectionist as Sir Arthur Steel-Maitland challenges the Government squarely to say whether it would be prepared to enter a 10 per cent, group of nations—i.e., of nations which, with some possible exceptions (such as our Ottawa agreements might necessitate) would limit. their import tariffs to 10 per cent. ad valorem—or not. The case for a move in that direction was put in The Spectator a fortnight ago. Sir Arthur Steel-Maitland stated accurately that some sixteen months ago Germany (and, according to Sir Arthur, Italy too) would have been willing to enter such a group if we ourselves had agreed. Unfortunately, we did not. But if a definite objective for the World Economic Conference is needed it would be difficult to find a better one than this. Under such a system international trade would become a reality once more.