The House has had some nasty Christmas Bills to meet.
On Monday a supplementary estimate for 118,010,000 for unemployment was passed ; and Sir Henry Betterton made rather heavy weather over an error of 85 per cent, in his original estimate. The House showed more interest about the odd £10,000 which represents the Government's decision to ask the National Council of Social Service to co-ordinate privately financed relief. This was recognized to be a good idea, so far as it went. A second unpleasant Bill was the estimate to meet the difference between the yield of the special duties on Irish produce and the amount of the Free State default. Mr. Maxton did not do the cause of settlement much good by showing that, if Mr. de Valera's case is what he (Mr. Maxton) says it is, the only terms of settlement are for Ireland to leave the Empire and for Irish loans to be repudiated. Mr. Malcolm MacDonald again did well during this debate.. On the whole, December has administered a, nasty shock to hopes of lower taxation.