23 DECEMBER 1938, Page 18


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR]

Sn1,—I feel sure • that most sensible people will agree with the modest claims recently put forward vigorously by a group of Italians. These have recently expressed a desire for France to hand over at once Corsica, Tunis, Nice and many other areas to Italy. These Italian Fascists cry out about the "injustice of 1881." But why 1881 ? Frankly I-am staggered at Mussolini's moderation.

Italian claims go much further back than 1881. It must be obvious to some readers even of The Spectator, who have the peace of the world so profoundly at heart, that the whole of England as far as Hadrian's Wall at least, and the whole of France, should be handed over to Mussolini. Have you forgotten the magnificent campaigns of Julius Caesar- " the noblest man that ever lived in the tide of times " ?

Then what about the campaigns of Alexander the Great ? The whole of Northern India and the whole of Persia must go to Greece. The whole of South America dearly should go to General Franco, for precisely similar reasons. Germany, I am afraid, would not be quite so happy to be handed over to the Mongols (for the Mongols are, I think, first cousins of the Jews). On the other hand, Russia, as such, would disappear altogether. Some trouble might arise, however, over the United States of America and Canada, for having unfortunately belonged to England long ago they would automatically be given to Italy. Still, I am not sure but that the peaceful penetration of Italians into the U.S.A. in recent years has not already practically achieved all this. Curiously enough, out of all such righteous and most just restitution, it would appear that Wales, and perhaps South Ireland, would remain the only Independent States of Europe. (I was never so proud of being a Welshman.)

With all humility, therefore, I would recommend through your columns this suggestion to the attention of the present leader of the Tory Party. It seems to me that what is wanted is a World Round Table Conference, to be held at. to Downing Street, where the great leaders of all nations would gather together, to-hammer out (on the above lines) areal contribution towards world " appeasement "—towards peace on earth and goodwill to all men,- for the - New Year. Think it over.—
