Teachers' Salaries •
Sm.—It is a thousand pities that " A Rector Who Has Done Full-limo Teaching " should, hpwever unintentionally, obscure an important issue. Let us concede at once that the clergy are poorly paid, and publicise as widely as possible what will arise from the negative answer of the Burnham Committee- to the teachers' salary claims. This, coupled with the reductions in educational expenditure. will perpetuate the illiteracy that so many people are rightly deploring and make a mockery of the principle of equality of opportunity embodied in the 1944 Act. More teachers with scientific and technical attainments are leaving the profes- sion, and few are entering it. What will. therefore. become of children with a scientific or technical aptitude?-1 am, Sir, yours faithfully,
25 WesibLurne Terrace Road. 11'.2. P. J. Mixt..