Sin,—Again Mr. Nicolas Walter is correct and must compliment him on his excellent detective AA orlk, but surely Mr. Girodias must be conversant with the editorial policy of The Olympia Press and will spe,,k up and not let Mr. Walter do all the work champion' ins the unexpurgated edition of my novel The (lingo Man, as well as levelling vague insults at its Enali` publisher who, it so happens, was the first publish, to properly publish The Ginger Man and bring 1 it the recognition it ultimately received as a no' And, I may add, saved this work from obscurity the Traveller's Companion Series, where it languish,. for over a year without any of the latter-day prat' it seems to be getting from folk like Mr. Nicol Walter, delightful chap though he sounds. It might also be of interest that Neville Spcarm. Ltd., when publishing The Ginger Man, in Englan undertook all risks and liabilities in the case of al prosecution brought against the work—Land this 1956 and not 1960, with a live author and an III known work.-1Yours faithfully,
1. 40a Broughton Road, Fulham, SW6 P. 134..1 I