The English Stock Market became much firmer in the early part of the week, and on Tuesday a very large demand for Money Stock oc- curred ;; in consequence of which, the price of Consols rose to 951, being an advance of nearly I per cent upon our previous low -quotations. This improvement has not been supported, and prices have fallen back again ; closing this afternoon about f per cent below the highest price, the last quo- tation of Consols being 951 1 both for Money and Account. The division in the House of Commons last night, where the Ministers are considered to have been run bard, has not been without i:s depressing effect, and today there is more stock pressing upon the market than on Tuesday, while money is more in demand. The rate of interest has continued the earner-about 2 per cent .for advances upon the security of English Stock. The fluctuations of the Foreign Market have been, with the exception of those in both varieties of Peruvian Bonds, unimportant. These latter secu- rities have oscillated very materially ; the Active Stock having been about 3 per cent, and the Deferred about 5 per cent below the prices of Saturday last Today, however, the market hes recovered ; and the Active Stock closes about 80, while the Deferred is 35 to 36. Portuguese Bonds are heavy in the almost total absence of business ; the Four per Cents being from 1 to 11 per tent below our last quotations. Spanish Stock of both va- rieties has continued steady without any material transactions. Mexican Bonds have been -steady between 291 and 30. A meeting of the Bondholders on Monday produced no practical result. The payment of the unliquidated balance' of the Coupon of January 1847 is still delayed. The Scrip of the Russian Four-and-a-half per Cent Loan has been rather largely dealt in, without any great fluctuation : the price has been steady between 2 and 21 premium, and closes this afternoon at 2 1 premium. Dutch and the other Northern European Securities have attracted little notice ; though some transactions have occurred in Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents and Danish Five per Cents, nearly at our last quotations.
The Share Market is still depressed. North-western Stock shows no signs of recovery, but on the contrary, is today about 21. lower than last week. Great Western and Midland have both declined ; the former being about 21. and the latter I/. lower than last week. All descriptions arc heavy today, in consequence of the decline of the English Funds. The transactions in the Foreign Shares have been trifling, and the fluctuations unimportant.
The English Funds are steady at the morning's quotations, and the market is in a quiescent state without any appearance of business. A trifling
improvement occurred in the French Funds in Paris yesterday, the Five per Cents closing at 95.50, and the Three per Cents at 57.70. The only trans- actions of importance occurring in the Foreign Market are in Peruvian Stdek, which is advancing, and is about 1 per cent higher than yesterday. In the Share Market, some business has occurred in North-west- ern ; the effect produced upon the market by the reduotion of the divi- dend from 51 to 5 per cent has been unimportant. The following are the principal bargains recorded-Caledonian, 111 ; Great Northern 61; Great Weatern, 62; Brighton, 80; North-western, 1061 71; Midland, 42 1! ; North Staffordshire, 6f ; York and North Midland, 1817. SATURDAY Two o'CLotw. - The English Funds close rather more firmly ; Consols have been done as low as 95 for Money, but close at 951 1 both for Money and Account. Scarcely any transactions of moment have occurred. The business of the Fo- reign Market has been without any animation, except in the department of Peruvian Stock, where the transactions have been extensive, and the closing
The following are the principal transactions occurring-Mexican, 291
Western have fallen 21. since the morning, and that the general tendency is downward. The following are the principal bargains recorded-Caledonian, 111 - Ditto Preference, 71 f; Eastern Counties, 71; Ditto Preference, 111; East Lancashire, 10; Great Northern, 61 6 ; Great Western, 62f lf 60 591; Ditto Quarter-shares, 151; Ditto Fifths, 111.; Ditto New, 171., 71 f ; Lan- caster and Carlisle Thirds, 10 ; ,London, Brighton, and South Coast, 80f ; London and North-western, 1061 8 61 1071 1061 7 ; Ditto Fifths, In - Ditto 10/. Shares, M. and B. C. lf • Midland, 42 li 21 11. - Ditto 501. Shares, 5.1-11.;, North British '(warier-shams, 2f ; Soutli-east'ern and Do- ver, 181 1 1 1 1 ; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, rig- ; York and North Mid- land, 18 17 i 1; Ditto Preference, 6 ; Boulogne and Amiens, 7* 7 1 ;
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced.... ...... 31- per Cents 'Long Annuities :Bank Stook Exchequer Bills ............ India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents
Bei. 6 per Cents
Danish 5 per Cents 8 9 95 95 97 9-16 206 54 - 89 99 99 Belgian 41 per Cents 88.90 1-16 8 7-pm. 91 100 101 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents ... . .. , Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 Peruvian 6 per Owns
-Portuguese 4lier Cents 1842
Portuguese a per Cents 1824 Russian 5 per Cents Spanish (Active) 5 per. Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Venezuela- 71 11.
29a i -80'1
89 8 81 3 109 111 g4
331 84 quotation rather lower than in the morning, while the appearance is hex
Peruvian, 801 81 80f ; Ditto Deferred, 36} i &I ; Portuguese Four per Cen
. 32; Russian Scrip, 2 premium ,- Spanish Active 181; Three per Cents, 36/ ; Dutch Two-and-a-half' per Cents, 551; Ditto ]our per Cents, 86f.
The Railway Shares are generally depressed. It will be seen that Great Northern of France, 14i ; Rouen and Havre, 91.