23 FEBRUARY 1850, Page 11


Monday, Feb. 2.5. Parliamentary Voters, and other Government Bills, mostly re-

lating to Ireland, to be advanced a stage.

Tuesday, Feb.23. Attornies' and Solicitors' Annual Certificate Duty : Bill to repeal

-,Lord Robert Grosvenor.

Secular Education : Bill to promote-Mr. W. J. Fox.

Window-tax : -Resolution calling for repeal.--Viscount Duncan.

County Courts: Bill to extend Jurisdiction to 501.-Mr. Fitzroy. Bricks and Timber: to allow a' drawback on these materials used in building cottages to rent under4k-Mr. Hume. Railway Traffic : Bailor the better Regulation-Mr. Ricardo. Highways, South Wales : Bill to amend the Laws-Viscount Emlyn. Extramural Interments: Bill to promote-Mr. Lacy. Wednesday, Feb. 27. Marriages Bill: -second reading. Amendment,to put off the second reading for six months-Sir Frederick Thesiger. Affirmation Bill: second reading.

Thursday, Feb. 28. National Representation : Bill to Establish Household Suffrage,

the Ballot, Triennial Parliaments, and more equal Distribution of Members- Mr. Hume. National Representation: Payment of a Direct Tax to confer a Vote-Sir De Lacy Evans. Railway Audit: Bill for the Audit of Accounts-Mr. Stanford. Taxes on Knowledge : Motion to abolish Taxes on Paper, on Newspapers, and on Foreign Books-Mr. Milner Gibson. Friday, March 1. CharitableTrusts Bill, and other Government Bills, to be advanced a stage.

Lord Lieutenancy of Ireland: to consider whether it ought to be continued-

Mr. Hume. • Dutchies of Cornwall and Lancaster : Committee of Inquiry-Mr. Trelawny.