The Rookeries of London ; Pa Xresent, and Prospective. By Thomas Beames, M.A., Preacher and Assistant of St. James, Westminster.
Charters of the Old English Colonies in America. With an Introduc- tion and Notes, by Samuel Lucas, Esq., MA., late of Queen's College, Oxford, Barrister-at-law. (Published for the Society for the Reform of Colonial Government) Turkey and its Destiny : the Result of Journies made in 1847 and 1848, to examine into the State of the Country. By Charles Mac Farlane, Esq., Author of "Constantinople in 1828." In two volumes.
The Oration of Hyperides against _Demosthenes, respecting the Treasure of Harpalus. The Fragments of the Greek Text, now first edited from the fac-simile of the MS. discovered at Egyptian Thebes in 1847 ; to- gether with other Fragments of the same Oration cited in ancient writers. With a Preliminary Dissertation and Notes, and a fee-simile of a portion of the MS. By Churchill Babington, MA., Fellow of St. John s College, Cambridge. [In the spring of 1847, Mr. A. C. Harris, of Alexandria, bought from a. dealer in antiquities at Thebes in Upper Egypt the fragments of a papyrus. The papyrus itself was of " the better sort ' -; and from the style of writing, and some internal evidence the manuscript is assumed to be as old as the second century of the Christian wra • but it may be as old as the third cen- tury before Christ, or the third century after, according to the usual proofs touching the age of early Greek manuscripts ; which, however, are of a very conjectural kind. In a subsequent visit to Thebes, Mr. Harris vainly tried to ascertain whence the manuscript was obtained by the Arab excavators. It is supposed that it was taken from a tomb, and had been buried with a mummy. The papyrus contained parts of an oration or accusation, which Mr. Harris, Mr. Babington the editor of the volume before us, and some others, conceive to be fragments of the actual speech of Ilyperides against Demosthenes, re- specting the receipt of bribes from Harpalus, which drove the great orator into banishment.. Mr. Sharpe, on the other hand, seems to think that the fragments are from a rhetorical exercise or fictitious oration, such as we all know many of the ancient rhetoricians were iu the habit of composing. The argument m favour of the genuineness is, that certain phrases quoted from Hyperides by some ancient grammadans and others sire to be found in the fragment, as well as some peculiarities of diction peculiar to Hyperides : but this evidence is not so strong as it is sometimes. However, , the story of the discovery, the description of the manuscript, the arguments in favour of its antiquity, and its genuineness, will all be found in the introductory matter to the text of Mr. Babington's edition. The text itself is printed m a manner to exhibit a counterpart of the menu- actipt ; types of different size or calculr indicate peculiarities in the original writing, or mark supplied words; and copious notes accompany the text.] Counsel to Inveittors of Improvements in the Useful Arts. By Thomas Turner of the Middle Temple. This little Turner; rather informs by general hints or suggestions than teaches by particular directions. It is an essay on the qualities of the in- ventor, illustrated by facts connected with inventions, and on the broad points of the law of patents, which the would-be patentee should bear in mind when about to throw the shield of -the law over his discoveries. The interest of the Cewisei to Inventors is therefore of a much more general kind than if it had been a mere special treatise. Mr. Turner is acquainted with the history of iuventions and the story of inventors; he has studied the quali- ties whichthe successful improver in the useful arts must possess; and he presents to the reader in a very agreeable manner the cream of this know- ledge, as well as a view of the law and practice of patents.] The Magisterial Formulist : being a complete Collection of- Forms and Preeedents for practical use in all matters out of Quarter-Sessions ; adapted to the Outlines of Forms in Jervis's Acts, (11 and 12 Viet. cc. 42, 43.) With an Introduction, Explanatory Directions, Variations, and Notes, (brought down to 12' and 13 Viet.) By George C. Oke, Anther of- " The Magisteiial Synopsis."
This work is designed as a companion to the Acts of 1848 to produce uni- ity of practiee before Magistrates out of Quarter-Sessions. The object of Mr. Oke is to furnish a series of precedents for every case likely to arise ; so as to produce regularity in form as well as practice. The precedents in the- act itself form the basis of the compiler so ear as they go ; but many ether sources both printed and manuscript have been had recourse to when the act is silent, and various precedents are expressly drawn for the case.]
Sanatory Economy : its Principles and Practice; and its Moral Influ- ence on the Progress of Civilization. [A popular selection of the most remarkable facts in connexion with amatory improvenaents, derived from the various publications that have appeared on the subject, from the blue book to the pamphlet. To this the compilers have added an historical notice of the great epidemics—the most interesting chapter in the book, and a variety of arguments and remarks in favour of sanatory reform. The notions of the compilers are of the extreme sect in hygiene : they seem to expect more from washing and ventilation than, im- portant as these are, they are ever likely to produce of themselves. It is an able compilation, but better have emanated from the house of Chambers.] Oceanus ; or a Peaceful Progress o'er the linpathed Sea. By Mrs. Da- vidOsborne. With Illustrations by A. Cooper, R.A. [The first object of this book is to' eve an account of the "seas" of the 'globe. The framework is-a family party, some members of which put forth
geogeaphical descriptions, as well as historical and anecdotical informa- tion connected with p.articular places in or upon the seas. The mere geo- graphy is further varied by poetry and introduced tales.]
Letters addressed to a Young Gentleman about to enter the University of Oxford. By an Oxonian. . [Four letters of good advice to youth about to enter upon an university career. Some worldly laiewledgv and common sense is mingled with re- *jou& exhortation - but neither the substance nor the composition is of a very remarkable kaki Gies Royal Victoria Spelling-Book, for Very Young Children, ar- ranged upon a novel plan, &e. By Joseph Guy jun. [The feature of this little book is the number of the easy lessons and the gradual character of the progression.] Old Love and New Fortune ; a Play, in five acts. By the Author of " Conti,'" &e.
The reprints of this week are not so numerous as they have been since Christmas ; but they have some mark about them. First and foremost is a new edition of the single-volume " Wealth of Nations" as edited by !Weal- loch ; with the introduction and many of the notes rewritten or amended. For convenient use this-volume is the book for the economical student. The notes give him the modern theories of political economists, and correct the mistakes or alleged mistakes of Adam Smith, according to the views of the new school. The text gives him what he cannot get anywhere else : an intuitive sagacity, which went at once to the very corn of its subject ; practi- cal apprehension, which allowed for the operation of numerous secondary causes in disturbing the adien of the " essential property " ; a knowledge which embraced many and opposite branches of human learning, from the statistics of trade and the practices of tide-waiters up to the theory of man's moral sentiments, and to. their action as exhibited in history and poetry. M. Guizot's essay on the "Causes of the Success of the English Revolution of the Sevieateenth. Century," ia a' shilling reprint of the edition reviewed a fortnight ago, issued to meet another translation at the same price. Mrs. Austin, who, it appears, is the translator under the superintendence of
Guizot, has contributed an angry preface against cheap translators and translations. The question has its difficulties ; and she may perhaps rest satisfied, if not easy, under the fact that she is not the first and will not be the last to encounter this kind of competition. Mary Hewitt felt it in her translations of Frederica Bremer, and Mr. Howitt wrote an angry reclamation
upon the subject. Samuel Johnson suffered by a more direct competition in the outset of his career. If the particular subject were worth so much anger, it would have been worth while todelav the publication of the French editaon for- a brief space. "The Poetry and Poets of Britain " is the reissue in a handsome form and with a new titlepage of a book we gave an account of last autumn.* An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. By Adam Smith, LL.D. With a Life of the Anther, an Introductory Discourse, Notes, and Supplemental Dissertations. By J. R. IPCtilloch, Esq., Member of the Institute of France. Fourth edition, corrected and improved.
On the Causes of the Success of the Eng/ea Resolution, 1640-1688. By M. Guizot. Translated by Mrs. Austin. The _Poetry and Poets of Britain, from Chaucer to Tennyson i with Biographical Sketches, and a rapid View of the CharaCteristic At- tributes of each. By Daniel Ser3rmgeour. Preceded by an Intro- ductory Essay on the Origin and Progress of English Poetical Lite- rature.
The Speech of the Right Honourable Lord John _Russell, ies the. Rouse of Cowman.% 8th lebruary 1860, on Colonial _Policy, &c.
The Colonial Empire of Great Britain, especially in its us Aspect. A Lecture, addressed to the Amblecote Church ofd Young Men's Association at Stourbridge, on December 3, 1849 By Lord Lyttelten.
The Report of the Committee of Mexican Bondholders.
A Letter to J. Bright, Esq., 11-.P., on the Remedies he Proposed for the Relief of Ireland : with a Suggestion for the Introduction of Capital into that country. By Rigby Wason, Esq.
A Soldier's Labour in Vain to Promote Financial Economy in tie Army, during twenty-eight years. By Richard IPC,ormack, Seven- teenth Lancers.
Sanatory Progress : being the Fifth Report of the National Philan- thropic Association, Leicester Square. Second edition.
A Letter to the Justices of the Peace of the County of Middlesex on the subject of licences for Public Music and Banemg,&e. By John Adams, Sergeant-at-law, and Assistant Judge of the Middlesex Court of Quarter-Sessions.
The Reign of Era
• Spectator, No. 1111; page 975.