4r Vronturts.
The Protectionists" of Denbighshire suffered a defeat last 'Week. at a meeting called by them in Ruthen, to consider the best remedy for" the depressed state of agriculture. Lord Dungannon moved a Protection* resolution ; but an amendment, propounding national economy and the adoption of such a readjustment of taxation as would enable repeal-Of duties on articles of general consumption, was moved by the Free-traders present, and was carried by a' majority of the meeting.
A meeting of 220 delegates from towns in Lancashire an4,Voilqiire, on the iiibject of the ten Hours Act, was held at Manchester on Sundnyi and, after hearing reports on the *ate .9f-feeling among the opertitivestin reference to the late decision of the superior courts that the abut•sytitem is legal, resolved "once mere to enter the field of agitation; with a firm but respectful determination never to 'Mimi" exertion till an efficient "ten hours act, of -continuous-labour-a-day regulation, be made 'the late Of the land." A " declaratoty bill " is to be introduced into the House
of Commons with as little delay as possible. " • The inhabitants of Oxford have resolved in public meeting to raise 3,0001. by voluntary subscriptions for erecting public baths and wash- houses. Mr. Duncan, a liberal member of the University, suggested the scheme, and headed the subscription-list with a promise of 500/ ; the City Members and several of the heads of Colleges and Halls, have given handsome sums.
A boy of sixteen has committed suicide, in Taunton County Gaol, by throw- ing himself under the wheel of the tread-mill while eighteen men were work- ing it. He had been sent to prison for two months for absconding from Chard Union, and had declared he would never return.