Jurrigu nutr tt doubt.
Fewisei—In the Legislative Assembly, on Saturday, interpellationz were addressed by M. Pascal Duprat to Ministers with reference to theme concentration of the Southern- and Western military commands • in the hands of three general officers ; a measure whiehhe.eonsidered a violation. of the military 'arrangements decreed :by the. Provisional Gevennnent, and one of ominous import. With• many irritating expressions; *ileu- m:led Ministers, of making-themselves subiervient to criminal' designs. Three of the Ministers started up;'- and 'insisted on retractation and apology ; which Duprat did in some sort Make. The itfnister" of Public Instruction abrujitly exclaiming, " It is hard for the man who- chooses crooked ways to keep his language straight," the Left in its turn demanded an applegy ; and in the midst, of the hubbub Duprat retired from the tribune. • General d'Hautpoul, Minister of War answered M. Duprars interpel lations by appealing to numerous precedents -under the Empire, through the Restoration,. and to the time of Louis Philippe. The military•sys:. tern had always been modified by the executive at its will, according Ur the exigency of the moment. • " Far be it-from me to attempt to alarm anybody, or to seek to givnglotan - to the situation. It is already dark enough. (Sensation.)"Demagoguism le working on all societies are in all 'directions ; cronapning in the shade, seeking to insinuate subversive doctrines amongst the neople, and hoping that they may attain a complete eaticlyna. In this situation, gentle men, Government must place itself on its guard:. It were inexcusable not to do so ; and the Assembly would have the-full right to-make it accountable for neglect. What have we done in appointing three generals, unless it be to give more unity, action, add rapidityto the movement of troops? Govern- ment is oil the watch and ;eill not be- surprised.: The measure that we have taken is not aggressive, and does not compromise the interests of any one It does not threaten liberty, but on the contrary strengthens it, if any ill- intentioned men should raise their hand against it All good citizens must therefore rejoice." The interruptions from the Left here became so loud and irritating that. General d'Hautpoul lost patience : turning full on the Left, he told theni with energy" We ire ready for you, and you may begin as soon as you, please " he then abruptly left the tribune. The Mountain was furious General Leydet exclaimed to General d'Hautpoul, " What you have said is worse than folly." -, The- Vice-President called on general d'Hautpoul for some explanation of his unparliamentary- imputations ; the iGeneral explained in a manner which but little soothed the anger of thelleft: Ultimately the Assembly resolved, by 437 to 183, to pass to the order
of the day pure and-simple: • • dirt •
On the 15th and lath, the Assembly discussed M. Naclaud'S pr4osition to encourage iiorkinr en's associatioiiii.by. allowing them to bid for Govern- ment contincys";TripAstieer a** the. eyea'of some to be a covert advance of arm was strongly opposed • by them. Ultimately the Assembly decided, by" 303' to •297, that M. Nadaud's bill should be read a s;,-time.
The reported appointment 4;: Count Strogonoff on. an extraordinary embassy from the Emperor- Russia to Paris is-contradieted ;' and it is saicIthat the extravagant joyrtelt in the Elysee has been succeeded by a
profound Chagrin. • ' • • --- • ; •
Md Napoleon Bonaparte writes to 6e Opinion Pubikue, dying, with
nonsadereIe Warni*,a report that he has been charged with, it on to
Constantinople. Hlklisassochitea himself from a policy lie has
energetically opppsedwince the expedition to Herne; and be 'eves that the Government is as little inclined to intrust him withw mission tut hal to accept it. .4 ; • , . - who is called to other functione • ;119:
M. Dillon,-who was French Coned at the Sandwich Islands, has Psi been appointed Consul at San Francisco, Californitiplifiplace of M. Guys, who sensation has been produced in 'Paris by the Pnblication of a
brochure professing to lift the veil from the secret histOry of the Montagn- ard party hi the great days of February 1848. The author, M. Chenu, was once a Captain in Causeidiere's Guard ; he has now turned on his foriner associates; and professed to expose their vulgar ablfishneas of aim and dissolute habits of private life. The first edition of the pamphlet was sold in a few, hours ; And 3,000 francs had beenroffered for permission to publish the second edition.
M;Caussidiere, in a letter from London ,to the Petrie, states that M. Chenu hardly knows how to read or write, and is therefore not the author of his book ; that he was imprisoned, with hard labour, for theft and assassination in his regiment ; that he was a provocatory spy, and was driven from the Prefecture by M. Caussidiere ; whence "his hatred, threats, and even attempts at assassination."
The Socialists in the Vosges have obtained a triumph. The Municipal Council of the town of the Bruyeres having been dissolved, a new elec- tion took place on the 14th instant, when the entire Democratic list ob- tained the majority.
SPATN.—In both Chambers, on the 14th instant, General Narvaez announced the certainty of that interesting event approaching in the Royal Family which has been so often announced and denied by the Spanish journals. The Queen's physicians have formally certified the probability of a succession to the throne in four months.
ITALY.—The following proclamation by General Baraguay
dated the 11th instant, shows a worse state of things in Rome than pre. vious accounts have disclosed.
"Inhabitants of Rome—The General in chief, with a view of putting an end to the vile assassinations that endanger the lives of the officers and sol- diers of the army, orders that no person shall henceforward carry about him knives, stilettos, or any instrument applicable to the perpetration of a crime. Whoever shall be found with such arms about his person shall be instantly
The life of the Prince of Musignano, son of the Prince of Canino, was attempted on the 9th instant. While on the Corso with his sister, he lifted one of many bouquets thrown to him, and offered it to his sieter who was looking in another direction ; an explosive concealed in the flowers burst in his hand. The Prince was badly but not dangerously wounded in the hand and thigh, and the Princess was slightly wounded in the leg. One hundred and fifty persons were arrested.
Isrina.—The overland mail has brought accounts from Bombay to the 17th January. The news is meagre ; the interest of it almost centering on a most vigorous and characteristic measure lately taken by Sir Charles Napier to cure the disgraceful state of discipline in which he has found the " Ben- gal Army " encamped at Lahore. The following despatch in all respects explains itself-
" Head Quarters, Camp, Lahore, 15th Dec. 1849. ' At the late review of the troo.p4 on the plain of Meean Meer, the follow- ing egregious deficiencies were evident to all-
" 1st. That some commanders of regiments were unable to bring their regimentsproperly into the general line. 2d.". One commanding-officer of a regiment attempted to wheel his whole regiment as he would a company! " 3d. Several officers commanding companies were seen disordering their companies by attempting to dress them from the wrong flank. " 4th. When the line was ordered to be formed on the left column, some commanders deployed too soon, and ordered their lines (thus improperly formed) to double quick, in order to regain their position. This was all bad ; but it was worse to see the regiments, on receiving the word to !double
quick,' at once charge with loud shouts,—no suck order to charge having•been given by any one, nor the words prepare to charge' : nor did anything occur to give a pretext" for such a disgraceful scene, exhibiting both want of drill and want, of discipline. " 5th. Bad as this was, it was not the worst. When these reginients chose to charge,' the Commander-in-chief, to his astonishment, beheld the men discharging their fireloeks straight up in the air, and he saw some men of the rear-rank actually firing off their muskets to the rear over their shoul- ders as their bearers (he will not call them soldiers) were running to the front ! He feels assured that no such scene could have occurred in any other regiments in the Army if ever such again happen, he will expose the commanding-officer of any regiment that so disgraces itself in public orders, to the whole Indigns Army. In the course of his service he never before wit- nessed such a scene. No commander could go into action with a regiment capable of such conduct without feeling certain that it would behave ill. The Commander-in-chief will, therefore, hold commanding-officers responsi- ble (for they alone are to blame) that any soldier who shouts, or charges, or dres, without orders, be instantly seized, tried at once by a drum-head court: martial, and the sentence executed on the spot. Courts-martial which try such dangerous offenders will, the Commander-in-chief has no doubt, uphold military discipline and military honour against outrageous and criminal dis- order. This order may be deemed severe—the Commander-in-chief means it to be so ; for he will not pass over without animadversion faults which, if tole- rated, would, in the event of war, produce certain defeat to this army. The reviews which the Commander-in-chief makes of the troops are not to be taken .as so many chips in porridge.' They are made for the purpose of ascertain- ing what officers are fit to command battalions ' • and there being no want of such in the Indian Army, he will feel it to be his boUnden duty to remove those who are not; and whenever he finds a regiment fire,' `shout,' or `charge,' without orders from its commander, he will, after this warning, remove the latter from his command.
"The Sepoy is both a brave and an obedient soldier ; and whenever he be haves ill, it is in a great measure the fault of his commanding-officer. " The drill and discipline of all armies rest mainly with the commanders of regiments and of companies. They are in immediate contact with the officers, non-commissioned officers, and private soldiers ; and to them general officers must look for that perfect obedience 'without which any army is an armed mob, dangerous to its friends and contemptible to its enemies.
"The Commander-in-chief does not hereby call on commanding-officers to torment those under their orders by long and harassing drilling. But he does call upon them to instruct their officers, and to instruct themselves, and also their supernumerary ranks, that they are to seize any man in their front who dares to shout, or talk, or fire, or run, without orders. General officers commanding divisions. and brigades in this army are called upon to see that commanders of regiments do their duty on those points.
" The Commander-in-chief does not apply this order to all commanders— he well knows that there are abundant first-rate soldiers, and first-rate regi- ments, in the Indian Army ; but he applies it to those whose regiments are in
bad order. C. J. NAPIER, General, Commander-in-chief."
The force sent from Peshawur to reduce refractory villagers had re- turned to head-quarters, having been "perfectly successful for this year." Dr. Hooker and Dr. Campbell were still " only on their " way from Sikkim, conducted through circuitous ways by the Rajah's officials. The disorganization in the Nizam had gone to such an extent in the capital, that two Paten Sirdars had regularly fortified their palaces, and prepared for independent hostilities with each other.
SOUTH AUSTRALIA.—The Indian mail has brought news from Adelaide to the 8th November. The Legislature was investigating closely the charges made by the immigrants who arrived in the bark Indian against the second mate, the captain, and surgeon. Governer Young had also taken it up, and was probing it vigorously. Captain Brewer, the Immi- gration Agent, had reported so meagrely, and with such obvious endeavour to screen the officers of the Indian, that the Governor had officially cen- sured him, as having " very tardily and very imperfectly " done his work. Mr. Grundy and Mr. Wilson arc acknowledged by the Governor to have g, usefully forestalled the official functions of the Immigrant Agent, whose duty it ought to be to act as the guardian of the emigrants."
The Adelaide Observer of the 6th October publishes half-a-dozen co- lumns of charges, some by emigrants signing their names, and some by anonymous accusers, against the officers of the emigrant ships John Munn and Mary Ann, and the bark Aden : dishonesty as to stores, gross Ian-, gnage, drunkenness, and cruelty, are among the charges.
Miriam STATES.—The Niagara mail-steamer arrived at Liverpool on Sunday, with newspapers from Halifax, and telegraphic reports from New York and Boston, to the 8th instant.
In the Senate, Mr. Clay had moved resolutions involving a settlement for the present of the Slave question. He proposed to admit California as a State ; to establish territorial governments over all other newly-ac- quired countries without reference to slavery ; to abolish all traffic in slaves in the district of Columbia, but to declare it inexpedient to abolish slavery there without the consent of the citizens and the citizens of Mary- land ; also assuming the debt of Texas. Mr. Clay advocated his resolu- tions with effect, and induced the Senate to defer their consideration some days for the same calm and patient consideration he had given them.
Four bills were before the Senate on the subject of appropriating public lands. They propose the free granting of 160 acres of land to all ap- plicants, whether native or foreign, on the condition of their residing upon them and cultivating them.
The Hudson's Bay Company had renewed to the Senate the offer of all their possessory rights in Oregon, South of latitude 49', at a price of 1,000,000 dollars.
The Empire City steam-ship had arrived with news from San Fran- cisco to the 1st of January. In that city itself there had been a fire which had burned upwards of 400 houses and stores, and property worth 1,500,000 dollars. The Assembly met on the 17th December ; inaugura- ted Governor Burnett ; and chose Colonel Fremont and Mr. Gwinn Senators for Congress at Washington. The Empire City brought gold- dust valued at upwards of 2,000,000 dollars ; with accounts that the Se- vern was staying at Chs.gres with gold-dust on board to half that amount for England.
The New York papers are much crowded with details of a terrible boiler explosion, which has caused a loss of more than sixty lives. The boiler of the steam-engine (200 horse power) in the printing-press and machine shop of Mr. Alvah B. Taylor, in }plague Street, blew up on the 5th instant, and totally demolished the large building which it supplied with motive power. The house was very large—six stories high, and massively built ; but such was the enormous force of the explosion, that eye-witnesses say the whole pile was lifted from its foundation several feet into the air ; it then seemed to swell, gently but suddenly ; and when it fell, it crumbled into a heap of small fragments, which MS almost instantly in a blaze of fire. The noise was astounding : the whole city rushed to the scene ; and in a short time the exertions made to extinguish the flames were so far successful that the work of searching for the buried workmen began. It was learned that many more than a hundred persons had been in the building, and it seemed that every one of these must have been struck dead or been burnt to death. In a short time however, many were found near to the surface of the-rains still alive. The bravery of the firemen and the magnanimous endurance of many of the sufferers are the subject of striking episodes. While the charred ruins were constantly fanned by the wind into fresh combustion, the cold was so severe that the water froze everywhere soon after it left the engines ; so that the torments of those imprisoned in the ruins were varied between burning, freezing, and drowning to death. Two or three cases literally illustrated these horrible vicissitudes of suffering. In one of the engine-cellars, some boys and a man were jammed down by pieces of the machinery ; they re- mained alive a long time, urging the firemen to save their lives, and being in turn encouraged to bear up ; but all excepting one boy of fifteen died be- fore the last obstructions to their removal could be raised. This boy was imprisoned twenty hours by an iron bar across his chest, which prevented him from stirring more than one arm; while the flames were only kept off by the water of the firemen. He conversed in a most courageous spirit for many hours ; related how the others were gradually dying off around him, and sent messages of affection to his mother, who was kept from the spot. At last his spirit sank, and he prayed to be dragged out without his leg. He was, however got out without loss of limb ; but his head, hand, and the lower side of his body, were much burnt, and it was only " hoped " he would recover. At the latest moment nearly a score of dead bodies had been re- moved ; and some fifty were still missing ; about sixty of those saved had been badly burnt or maimed.
CANADA.—The news by the Niagara from Montreal extends to the 2d of February. The Quebec election had resulted in the return of the Govern- ment candidate, M. Chabot : the votes were-2,007 for Chabot, and 1,203 for M. Legere, the Annexationist. The Quebec Chronicle states that one- third of the voters held back rather than vote for the Ministry or Annexa- tion. The contest lay between the French Canadians, the followers of Lafontaine, on the one hand, and those of Papineau, or the "Young Canada" Party, on the other ; and the result gave little cause for triumph either to the Royalists or the AnnexatiOnists.
A despatch had been received from Earl Grey approving of the dismissal of the Magistrates who had signed the Annexation manifesto, and direct- ing other measures of discouragement and repression.