23 FEBRUARY 1901, Page 14



SIR,—Mr. Morley, Mr. Courtney, Sir E. Clarke, and others. advocate compromise with the Boers. They speak of main- taining the autonomy of the Transvaal. They should tell us frankly whether they would maintain the cornerstone of the Grondvet,—" The people shall not tolerate any equality of coloured people with white inhabitants neither in' the Church . nor in the State." Unless our Pro-Boer friends are 'prepared to support this view of the position of the indigenous popu- lation, who have been and are so cruelly treated by the Boers, their pleading is in vain. It is this the Boers trekked for, it is this they are fighting for, it is this they mean when they talk of independence. If Mr. Chamberlain -will get up in the House and formally declare that the Biitish Government will never tolerate any equality of coloured people with white inhabitants, the Boers will lay down their as-me at once. As a Liberal I am surprised our Government has not 'boldly declared that it will not tolerate any inequality between these classes either in Church or State. But then I am only -a humble follower of Bright, Gladstone, Cobden, and Forster:— I am, Sir, &c., OLD LIBERAL:-.