IN the early hours of Thursday morning it was announced that the employers and the dockers had come to terms. The agreement between them came with almost a dramatic rush at the end and has had for the public all the elements of a truly gratifying surprise. Of course, the terms have still—when we write on Thursday —to be accepted by the dockers as a whole. We must not therefore assume a settlement till it is fully accom- plished. Only folly or wickedness, however, can prevent peace. The dockers are to get their two shillings with merely a little more delay than they themselves sug- gested. The Minister of Labour is to be congratulated on the results of his intervention ; his course of action was very different from that of the Council of the Trades Union Congress (which became a combatant instead of a mediator), and we hope that this difference, with all its pregnant results, will be duly noted. It must be added that Mr. Bevin argued the dockers' case with extraordinary ability.