AN exceptionally interesting article by Mr. Hector C. Bywater, the naval expert, appeared in the Observer on Sunday on naval disarmament and the mariner in which Great Britain has carried out her share of the Washington Agreement. The article was inspired by the spectacle of the impending delivery of H.M.S. ' Lion' to a shipbreaking yard on the East Coast which -Mr. Bywater refers to as " not only the passing of the famous ship, but the completion of the greatest act of voluntary disarmament that the world has ever witnessed." How wholeheartedly Great Britain has carried out her -side of the Washington Disarmament Treaty is proved by the facts. At the close of the War the British Empire had -forty-one dreadnought battle- ships ' and battle- cruisers, which was more than the collective strength of the United States, Japan, France and Italy, and in almost every other naval arm our strength was predominant. Mr.-Bywater writes : " Mahan himself never pictured such an overpowering concentra- tion of naval force as that which was assembled under the White Ensign in November, 1918."