23 FEBRUARY 1924, Page 11

A paragraph in these notes some weeks since has prompted

a reader of the Spectator to send me the following recipe for- "making excellent coffee in three minutes " :— " Grind the beans in a coffee-mill and add a teaspoonful of chicory. Allow a heaped dessert-spoonful of coffee to each person. Have a fireproof jug holding about a quart ; warm the jug - put in the coffee ; pour over it just enough boiling water to 'damp it—no more. Let it stand for one minute, Fill up the jug with boiling water and stir with' a wooden spoon: for two minutes. Now it is ready. A great improvement to coffee is to whip up the milk to a stiff froth with a Dover egg-whisk ; this hinders the formation of scum. Put some of the froth on top of each cup. This is the way coffee is served in Austria."

Let us hope readers of the Spectator will find that their 'coffee thus made will prove to American visitors that British housewives are anxious to remove a national reproach. * *