The news with regard to the relations of France and
Germany has been both good and bad during the week. In the earlier part of the week the people of the Palatinate were confident that they had been delivered from the Separatist tyranny, and their rejoicing was proportionate to their sense of relief. Later news, however, suggests that their rejoicing may have been premature. The French have taken the line that the Separatists must be protected from the wrath of their recent victims ; and though there is, of course, every-thing to be said for this policy from the point of view of justice and order, we cannot feel satisfied that reasonable methods have been adopted. The special correspondent of the Daily News at Mannheim says that the French authorities have been making a large number of arrests, and have been appoint- ing important public men and officials as " hostages. " These hostages are to answer with their lives or property for the safety of the Separatists. The fact that the opening of this campaign coincided with the departure of the Special Committee of the Rhineland High Com- mission caused a bad impression. We hope, nevertheless, that the settlement announced by the Special Committee will be carried out. It provides for the reinstatement of the " lawful government " of the Palatinate and the readmission of officials expelled by the Separatists.
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