SIR,—May I express my surprise—to put it mildly —that you
have allowed an article like 'Goodbye to Summer' to be published in a paper of the repute and standard enjoyed by the Spectator? This ar- ticle is an insidious of some facts and a great number of mistakes and outright lies, and has obviously been written in a spirit of hatred and rancour. The ultimate in calumny is, of course, the preposterous statement that Sweden would grant the Soviet Union transit rights to attack NATO bases in Norway--I would call that pure libel, and you, sir, should know that it is absolutely incon- ceivable and untrue. In case you published this article in order to create sensation and thus get publicity for the Spectator, I wish to inform you that I do not intend to help you by sending a report, however unfavourable, to Svenska Dagbladet in Stockholm.
K. G. BOLANDER Svenska Dagbladet, Printing House Square, EC4