The Prime Minister
From Ronald H. Hensman, L. E. Weidberg, Strix, J. N. Karanja, Robert Conquest, Tibor Szamuely, Alastair Service, A. A. Evans, Ian F. Fletcher, Simon Raven.
Sir: It is amusing to read Mr Skeffington-Lodge's protest (Letters, 16 February) at the supposed organised criticism of Mr Wilson in view of the fact that, he has evidently assumed leadership of a `Don't be beastly to Wilson' campaign;-even including a re- cent issue of the Church Times in his efforts!
How typical of the left is this petulant resent- ment of criticism. .Has Mr Skeffington-Lodge for- gotten the contemptible attacks by Mr Wilson on Sir Alec Douglas-Home or the disgraceful rowdyism of the Labour party in Parliament ddring the Suez debates?
Mr Skeffington-Lodge fails to note that the most virulent criticism of the Prime Minister comes from within the Labour party. It was a Socialist Member who described governizient policy as an 'aiglomera- lion of lies, half-lies and dethagoguery.' Certainly this is a fair description of 'Mr Wilson's broadcast
on devaluation. -
It is not Conservative criticism tliat has caused the present slump in the fortunes of Mr Wilson and his party. This has followed the visible collapse of Socialist policies and the sorry spectacle of min- isters of the Crown standing on their heads to com- mend actions which only a short time before they had vigorously condemned.
Ronald H. Hensman The Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall, London SW1