Sir: Congratulations to Paul Johnson for suggesting, at last, that
right-thinking Christians such as himself should stand up to the 'pacifist ideology and anti-British abuse' of certain sections of the clergy. However, I feel that he does not go far enough: there is alarming evidence that this dangerous pacifism may even have supporters at Head Office. I refer, of course, to that well-known subversive tract 'The Bible'. Such notorious so-called 'com- mandments' as 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' are believed to have played a major role in inciting long-haired foreigners in open- toed sandals to beat perfectly good swords into ploughshares.
May I suggest that a delegation be dispatched to heaven immediately, led by Mr Johnson himself, to ensure that the alternative view is heard.
Warwick Cairns
30 Townsend Close, Forest Park, Bracknell, Berkshire