23 FEBRUARY 1991, Page 26

Scribe and Pharisee

Sir: I quite understand that John Simpson is not in regular touch with the woman he calls his 'ex-wife' ('Worse than Saddam', 9 February). The Daily Mail Diary contacted Mrs Diane Simpson, who tells us that she is not divorced from Mr Simpson, after being given a story about her from another part of this newspaper which came with the quotes, 'I don't think much about it', in response to a query concerning his girl- friend. Our journalist then had a five- minute conversation with Diane Simpson during which she volunteered the quotes which appeared in this column. If Mr Simpson had bothered to speak to his estranged wife before accusing this column of inventing quotes, she would have been able to tell him that she was reported faithfully and accurately, Nigel Dempster

Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street, Kensington, London W8