The overland Calcutta mail has been received, with advices from
Bombay to the 15th, from Madras to the 18th December. There is little news. The Punjaub was tranquil; and it is reported that the British army was to march out of Lahore about the middle of December. It is said, however, that unquestionable evidence has transpired, of a secret un- derstanding between Rajah Lall Singh, Vizier at Lahore, and the Sheik Imaum ed-deen of Cashmere.
There had been extraordinary gambling in opium. Bargains at Bombay are usually made contingent on the quotations of Government sales at Calcutta; to raise the rates, rival speculators made biddings until as muoh as 13,000/. was offered for chests that usually sell for 150/.; the biddings, however, being so arranged that no sale could be effected on that day. Go- vernment have made it a subject of special inquiry, and large fortunes de- pend on the result.
A hurricane of unusual violence, by which much loss has been occasione& to the shipping interests, occurred at Madras on the 25th November.