ADM/RALTY, Jan. 21.—Vice-Admiral of the White A. B.. Sharpe, C.B. has been appointed to receive a pension of 150/. a year, as provided by her Majesty's Order in Council of 25th June 1851, vacant by the death of Admiral H. Downman, and the name of Vice-Admiral A.R. Sharpe has been removed to the Reserved Half-pay List accordingly ; and in consequence of this removal the following promotions, to date from the 5th instant,.hive this day taken place—Vice-Admiral of the Blue A. Fan- shawe, C.B. to be Vict-Admirid of the White ; Rear-Admiral Sir G. B.. B. Peahen, Bart. on the Reserved Half-pay List, to be a Vice-Admiral on the same List ;Rear. Admiral of the Red the Hon. 11. J. Roes to be Vice-Admiral of the Blue ; Rear- Admiral of the White the Hon. Sir F. W. Grey, R.C.B. to be Rear-Admiral of the Red ; Rear-Admiral of the Blue the Hon. G. Grey to be Rear-Admiral of the White ; Capt. E. Stanley to be a Rear-Admiral on the Reserved Helf-pay List; Capt. Sir B. W. Walker, Bart. K.C.B. to be Rear-Admiral of the Blue.