A further reduction in the Bank rate of interest was again pretty gene- rally looked for this week, but the Court of Directors yesterday broke up without any measure of the kind being adopted. The present rate stands at 5 per cent; but the great abundance and consequent cheapness of money, (loans being negotiable at 21 per cent,) together with daily arrivals of gold, must shortly lead to another reduction of or even 1 per cent. Although the business in English Securities has not been extensive, the tone of the market is good; and Consols, from opening on Monday at 948 941, and sub- sequently declining to 941, close this afternoon at 951 951—an improvement upon last Saturday of fully I per cent. There is little disposition on the part of speculators to sell except for the purpose of closing accounts ; the tendency of the market continues, consequently, towards higher quotations. Bank Stock is also higher, leaving off at 224 226. Reduced, 951 961. Exche- quer Bills, 188. 22s. premium.
The Foreign Market this week has been steadily good, without any large amount of business doing. Turkish Six per Cents remain at the old quota- tion, but Turkish Four per Cents have risen 1 per cent. Mexican are a trifle firmer. The attention of the Foreign dealers has been principally directed to the new schemes lately introduced, the particulars of which have ap- Pc4red in the daily journals. "Cape Town Railway and Dock Company"
Shares were at one time-f prem.i.but now average 1; also the "Bahia Rail- way," under the auspices of Messrs. Rothschild: a good deal of business is doing in these shares, and the closing price today is / 1 prem. "Victor Emmanuel Railway Mortgage Loan" has been: I pram.; then 11 dis.,- but closes good at 1 dia. par. Mexicdn, 204 211 ; .Baienos Ayres, 95 97 ; Peru.- vian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 771,781 ;. Peruvian Three per Cents, 53 55; Turkish Six per Cents, 981 8I; Turkiati) Four per Cents, 105 l06,. Russian, 109 111, Spanish Three .per-gtate, 411 42; Ditto Deferred,
he English Share Market generilljlal maintained the advance of last. week : Caledonian Shares have been Vartioularly firm ; and Great Western Stock has partially recovered the reaction experienced on the upward move- ment. The low-priced lines have been more generally inquired for this week. Great Western, .591 60k; London and North-Western, 101a 1011 ; Midland, 941 94.; Londen and South-Western, 44 49-' Eastern Count' 62i 621; Great Northern, 104 , 105 ; Caledonian, 44 46; London and Brighton, II01 1111; Smth-Eastern, 221 221. The market closes very good.
The late news from India has tended rather to check speculation in Indian , Shares the market has been flat ; but today there seems a disposition to purchase, and prices close somewhat higher than. they have been during the week. EastIndia,. 108 109; Great Indian Peninsula, 211 211; Madras 20/. :Shares, 21 211.
The French Market is dull, in a great measure owing to the uneasiness caused by the late attempt on the life of the Emperor. Great Northern leave off at 371 38; Paris and Lyons, 341 35; Paris and Strasbourg, 271 28.
The Bank return of this week shows an increase in the. stock of bullion of 1,078,708/. The English Market opened firm at advance. Consols. 951 a ; there is a moderate amount of business doing. Foreign Stocks and Railway Shares steady at last night's prices.
There-is no change in quotations, but the markets are all extremely firm. The Bahia Railway Shares are in good demand at 1 pm. Monday will be observed as a holiday at the Stock Exchange, Caledonian, 911; Chester and Holyhead, 38; Eastern. Counties, S3k; East Lancashire, 911; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee 31; Great Northern, 105; Ditto A Stook, 901 ; Great Western, 60; Lancashire and Yorkshire,- 94; London and North-'Western, 1004; Manchester, Sheffield, and LiricOhishire 40; Midland, 94; Nor- folk, 64; North British, 541 ; North-Eastern—Berwick, 971; Ditto Leeds, 524; Ditto York, 8.51; North Staffordshire, 141; South Devon, 351.; South Wales, 83. Joint Stock Banks—London and Westminster, 46 ; Union of Australia, 471; Ditto Nevi,- l9'4. Miseellaneous—Austielian . Royal Mail, 21; Crystal Palace, Preference, 41; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, New, 181.
3 per Cent Consols 95195 ' Ditto for Account
3 per Cent Reduced 95i liew.3 per Cents
95A I-
Long Annuities
2 2 5-26
Bank Stock 224 226
Exchequer Bills
18 22 pm.
India Stock
• 220 222
Austrian 5 per Cents 99 93 Brazilian 5 per Cents 101 103 Be an 44 per Cents 95 97
Chilian 6 per-Cents ............
102 104 Danish 5 per Cents
.. 100 2:
Danish 3 per Cents 83 5
Dutch 21 per Cents 641 651
Ditto 4 per Cents 99 100 exican.3 pet Cents 11 Peruvian liver Cents 77 79 Ditto 3 per Cents 53 55 Portuguese 3 per Cents 1656 . 44 45 Russian 5 per Cents 109 111 Ate 44 per Cents.... ....... 98 100 Spanish 3 per Cents
41 42
Ditto Deferred 231 26 ardinian 5 per Cents 88 90
wedish 4 per Cents 80 83
urkish 6 per Cents 984 itto 4 per Cents Guaranteed 105 j
RANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 20th day of Jan. 11358. laius DEPAZTYIST.
Notes Issued
£28,221,475 Government Debt £11,015,105
Other Securities 3,459,900
.• Gold Coin and Bullion 13,746,475
Silver Bullion
PrOprietore. Capital
£14,953,000 Government Securities (imam-
Rest 3,688,614 ding Dead Weight Annuity). £8,191,966 Public Deposits.......
Other Deposits
Other Securities-- ......
' Notes . =,220,659 8,199,450
Seven Days and-other Bilis_
889,885 Gold and Silver Min 689,340 • £40,331,413 '
£40,331,488 • Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National De bt, & Dividend Acct.
A number of Joint-Stock Banks have held theii-half-yearly meetings this week.
The distribution of profits by the London and Westminster Bank is smaller ,than of late, and yet the shareholders ought to be satisfied, as the diminution mainly arises from the exercise of a great virtue in banking— caution : during the recent troubles a large amount of cash, or of readily convertible securities, has been kept in hand to meet any emergency. On the day the Government letter was issued, the bank had 2,000,0001. cash in hand, 2,1)00,0001. invested in Government Securities, 500,000/. on loans at call, and' 5,000,0001. of bills discounted for brokers. The losses during the crisis were insignificant ; Init40,0001, of the profits of the half-year has - been put aside to meet any losses that may accrue. The dividend and bonus for the six months amoun't to 7 per cent, with a balance carried for- ward of 25781. The amount due to customers is nearly the same as in June-13,889,021/. . ,
The Union Bank of LoOn have declared a dividend and bonus of 74 per cent for the-half-year" the same as at the like period last year. An ample reserve is stated to have been made to meet bad debts. Nothing has been lost by the Scotch banks. A. balance of 54741. is carried forward. The amount due by the bank is 9,645,--9f3/.
The London Joint-Stock Bank Will distribute a dividend and bonus equal to 114 per cent for the six months, while 16,066/. is carried to the gua- rantee-fund, either to meet any losses or to equalize future dividends. Some proprietors wanted this sum appropriated to dividend. The "crisis" has as yet only produced a total of 40001. of bad' debts. The amount due by the hank is 10,737,580/.
The dividend of the Commercial Bank is 3 per cent for the half-year ; a shareholder wished it to be 1, as there is a balance beyond the 3 per cent, and low dividends affect the v'alue of shares—the Directors have nothing to do with that, properly retorted Mr. Jackson M.P., one of the Board, but should carry on the business with prudence and full safety. The gua- rantee-fund has been made up td 75,0001., at which paint it will remain for the present. The balance carried forward is 23041. The deposits. at the end of the year were 821,6261. : they. RTC now increasing. The "crisis" losses were small.
The City Bank pays a dividend at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, carrying forward a balance of 4228i., with the prospect of a bonus for the half-year ending June. Affairs appear to have gone on very well--all the Untie is stated to have been safe banking business. The " crisis " pro- duced only 67701. of bad or doubtful debts. The amount of deposits is 1,388,933/.
The proprietors of the Bank of London again enjoy a dividend. Without revaluing the Government Seeuritiee,—the low value of which prevented a dividend in July,—the profits of the bank have been sufficient to pay a dividend of 2i per cent for the half-year, to write off 7241. for the expenses of the Dawson and Cockburn trial, and to carry forward 8021. The bad debts written off are above the average. The sum duo to customers is 1114,8431. Sir John Shelley stated *al in future the interest paid on de- posits by the London joint-stock banks wilkaever exceed 5 per cent.
The Unity meeting was held on the 18th. The accounts show a bad state of affairs. The amount of deposits is 139,1W, The profit for the half- year was 80381.; but the " current expenses w were .greater—l0,1291. Among the "assets," or in the "Cr." side of the account, are these items- 4‘ preliminary expenses," 28,8821.; "annual payment to Mr. Baylis," visich will cease in 1859, 10001.; "investments, inuak premises, freehold at Brighton, &c.," 26,7961.; "past due bills," 40,5591., of which the Direct- ova "feel confident" of recovering 11,0001.—which would leave a loss of 29,000/. This large amount of bad debts is ascribed to improper, manage- ment; since the appointment of a new manager the losses have beentrifimg. A vote of "want of confidence" Lathe Dirt-lams was moved, but not pressed. The Directors are hopeful of an improved state of things hereafter.
- At a meeting of the Leeds Chamber of Commerce, last week, Mr. Smith, a banker, stated that little if any "accommodation paper" has been seen in that locality.
There was another fall in the Corn-market on Monday : prices were from 1. to 2s. lower. The lowest quotation of wheat is now 41s. only.
The Indus took out for the East, on Wednesday, 370,0911., nearly all silver.
The advices by the Persia tell of an average rise of 5 per cent in the New York stock-market.
Advices from Constantinople state that it has been agreed to establish a credit for an issue of 11,000,0001. Six per Cent Stock, on the 15th of March, to redeem the floating debt of the Sultan and the Government, with the exception of the paper circulation. The dividends on this stock are to be payable in gold ; but the measure is likely to have little effect unless some good precautions are taken to insure that this latter condition shall be faith- SulLy
CRYSTAL PALACE.—Itehun of admissions for six days ending Friday January 22d, including season-ticket-holders, 6349.