23 JANUARY 1858, Page 18


• C. E. Elwyn, H. M. Robertson, J. M. Trail, W. A. M`Pherson Gordon, E. St. G. Cobbold, W. A. Roberts, D. N. Taylor, F. Beresford, T. H. Hazlerigg, J. F. Sande- , man, V. Wells, R. P. Saunders.

Royal Engineers-The undermentioned Gentlemen Cadets to be Lieutenants. viz.'-G. M. Collins, R. H. Vetch, C. Warren, E. N. Peters, 1.11. Crowdy, H. S.

• Sitwell, C. A. L. Campbell, W. J. Engledue, W. S. Maud, G. V. Sivewright, H. S. . Clive, D. G. Jones, A. B. Coddington, H. F. Turner.

Breset.-The undermentioned Officers, having completed three years' service in the rank of Lieut.-Col. to be Cols. in the Army, under the Royal warrant of the 3d of Nov. 1854-Lieut.-Col. J. N. A. Freese, C.B. Royal Artillery ; Lieut.-Col. F. D. Cleaveland, RoyalArtillery ; Lieut.-Col. H. A. Turner, Royal Artillery ; Lieut.-Col. T. B. F. Marriott, Royil Artillery ; Lieut.-Col. T.' Elwyn, Royal Artillery ; Lieut.- Cot. T. R. Mould, Royal Engineers; Lieut.-Col. W. C. Stare, Royal Engineers ;

• Lieut.-Col. E. T. Ford, Royal Engineers ; Lieut.-Col. C.E. Ford. RoyaLEngineers. To be Colonels in the Army for distinguished service in the field-Brevet-Lieut.- Cot. E. H. Greathed, 8th Foot ; Lieut.-Col. J. Jones, 60th Foot.

To be Lieutenant-Colonels in the Army-Major J. A. Vigors, 52d Foot ; Brevet- Major C. W. Sibley, 64th Foot ; Brevet-Major J. Heatley. 834 Foot ; Major H. A. Ouvry, 9th Light Drags.; Major T. Stirling, 64th Foot ; Brevet-Major C. E. 1'. Gordon, 75th Foot ; Major .7. Hinde, 8th FOOT. To be Majors in the Army-Capt. W. Drysdale, 9th Light Drags ; Capt. W. Brookes, 75th Foot ; Capt. J. H. Cox, 75th Foot ; Capt. G. E. Baynes, 8th Foot ; • Capt. T. R. D. Hay, 78th Foot ; Capt. A. W. Gordon, 61st Foot ; Capt. W. E. D.

• Deacon, 61st Foot ; Capt, 0.11. St. G. Anson, 9th Light Drags.; Capt. Sir E. F. Campbell, Bart. 60th Foot; Capt. H. E. H. Burnside, 61st Foot ; Capt. C. D. Pat- terson, 10th Foot ; Capt. J. W. Bannatyne, 8th Foot ; Capt. G. C. Synge, 524 Foot ; Capt. H. F. Williams, 60th Foot Capt. D. Ir. Muter, 60th Foot ; Capt. 8.1. Blum,

• 52d Foot ; Capt. F. C. Maude, Royal Artillery ; Capt. L. P. Bouverie, 78th Foot ; Capt. R. Dawson, 75th Foot ; Capt. C. P. Rosser, 6th Drag. Guards ; Capt. C. K. Crosse, 52d Foot ; Capt. J. A. Bayley, 52d Foot ; Capt. W. Hamilton, 9th Light Drags.; Capt. H. M. Havelock, 18th Foot.

To be Colonel in the Army for distinguished service in the field-Brevet.-Lieut.- Cot. J. M. B.. F. Tytler, 37th Regt. Bengal Native Infantry. To be Lieut.-Cols. in the Army-Major W. F. Curtis, 1st Bombay Light Cavalry Brevet-Major J. Hill, Bombay Engineers ; Brevet-Major E. S. Blake, Bombay Artil- lery; Brevet-Major 11. J. Barr, 24 Bombay European Light Infantry ; Brevet-Ma- jor Kaye, Bengal Artillery ; Brevet-Major C. Reid, 10th Bengal Native Infantry ; Brevet-Major R. B. Smith, -Bengal Engineers ; Brevet-Major R. S. Ewart, 30th Bengal Native Infantry; Brevet-Major J. Coke, 10th Bengal Native Infantry ; Major J. H. Campbell, Bengal Artillery ; Brevet-Major E. W. S. Scott, Bengal Artillery ; Major .7. L. Stephenson, 1st Madras European Fusiliers; Brevet-Major H. Tombs, Bengal Artillery ; Brevet-Major F. Turner, Bengal Artillery; Brevet-Major N. C. Macleod, Bengal Engineers; Brevet-Major E. B. Johnson, Bengal Artillery. To be Majors in the Army-Capt. 3. L. Taylor, 18th Bombay Native Infantry; Capt. C. R. W. Hervey, 2d Bombay European Light Infantry ; Capt. J. Forbes, 3c1 Bombay Light Cavalry ; Capt. J. C. Graves, 3d Bombay Light Cavalry ; Capt. A. B. Kembell, Bombay Artillery; Capt. J. Worgan, Bombay Artillery ; Capt. J. Wray, 24th Regt. Bombay Native Infantry; Capt. W. S. Hatch, Bombay Artillery ; Capt. E. P. Arthur, let Bombay Light Cavalry; Capt. M. S. Green, 16th Bombay Native H. L. Gibbard, Bombay Artillery ; Capt.ar:K. Finnimore, Bombay ArtWery ; Capt.

Infantry ; Capt. J. H. Smyth, Bengal cry ; Capt. E. K. Money, Bengal Artil-

lery; Capt. A. Boyd, 2d Bengal European Fusiliers; Capt. D. C. Shute, 19th Bengal Native Infantry ; Capt. R. A. Ramsay, 35th Bengal Native Infantry ; Capt. H. R. GrindMy, 6th Bengal Light Cavalry ; Capt. 0. E. Rothney, 45th Bengal Native In- fantry; Capt. G. Bourchier, Bengal Artillery ; Capt. J. Young, Bengal Artillery ; Capt. W. Olpherts, Bengal Artillery ; Capt. G. W. G. Green, 24 Bengal European Fu- sabers; Capt. A. T. Wylde, 19th Madras Native Infantry ; Capt. D. M. Stewart, 9th Bengal Native Infantry ; Capt. H. Daly, let Bombay European Regt.; Capt. F. F. B.emmington, Bengal Artillery ; Capt. H. M. Garetin, 36th Bengal Native Infantry ; Capt. C. A. Sandford, 3d Bengal Light Cavalry; Capt. C. H. Barchard, 20th Bengal Native Infantry ; Capt. W. SR. Hodson, lit Bengal European Fusilier.: Capt. J. Brasyer, linatt. East India Company's Service ; Capt. A. Taylor, Bengal Engi- neers.

FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, JANUARY 22. Wan °Trice, Jan. 21.-The Queen has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following appointments to the Most Honourable Order of the Bath.

To be Ordinary Members of the Military Division of the Second Class, or Knights Commanders of the said Most Honourable Order, viz.-Major-Gen. J., E. W. Inglis ; Capt. W. Peel, R.N. C.B. ; Col. E. Lugard, C.B. ; Col. J. H. Grant, C.B. To be an Ordinary Member of the Civil Division of the Second Class, or Knhts Commanders of the said Most Honourable Order, viz.-Col. the Hon. C. B. Phipps,

• C .11. Keeper of her Majesty's Privy Purse. To be Ordinary Members of the Military Division of the Third Class, or Compa- nions of the said Most Honourable Order, viz.-Rear-Admiral Sir H. J. Leeks, Knight, some time Commander-in-chief of the Indian Navy ; Colonels J. Longfield, Sib Hegt. ; W. Hamilton, 78th Regt.; H. W. Stisted, 78th Regt.; C. Steuart, 14th Light Drags. ; C. H. Ellice, 24th Regt.; G. Campbell, 524 Regt.; Hon. R. W. P. Curzon, Grenadier Guards ; E. H. Greathed, 8th Regt.; J. Jones, 1st Bat- talion, 60th Bert.; Lieut.-Cols. C. Herbert, 75th /Mgt.; C. C. Deacon, 61st Regt. ; W. N. Custanee, 6th Drag. Guards ; F. English, 534 Regt.; H. A. Ouvry, 9th Lancers.

Her Majesty has also been graciously pleased to make and obtain a Special Statute

of the said Most Honourable Order for appointing the following Officers in the Ser- vice of the East India Company to be Extra Members of the Military Division of the Third Class, or Companions of the said Order, viz.-Cols. A. M. Becker, 61st Batt. of Bengal N.I.; ii. W. Homier, 4th Regt. of Bombay ILL; St. G. D. Showers, 24 Regt. Bengal European Fusiliers ; J. Wildman, let!lee. Bengal European Foil- Hers; H. Cotton, 67th Regt. Bengal N.I. ; J. M. B. F. Tytler, 37th Regt. B.N.I. ; Lieut.-Cols. H. W. Trevelyan, Bombay Artillery ; T. Tapp, lot Regt. Bombay European Fusiliers ; F. Gaitskell, Bengal Artillery ; C. Reid, 10th Regt. of Bengal N.I. ; R. B. Smith, Bengal Engineers ; J. Coke, 10th Regt. B.N.I. ; J. L. Stephen- son, let Regt. of Madras European Fusiliers; If. Tombs, Bengal Artillery. -Com- mander J. Rennie, Indian Navy. Majors J. Forbes, 3d Regt. of Bombay Light Cavalry ; A. B. Kemball, Bombay Artillery ; H. Daly, 1st Regt. of Bombay Euro- pean Fusiliers.

Her Majesty has further been graciously pleased to give orders for the appoint- ment of Superintending-Surgeon Edmund Tritton, Bengal Medical Staff, to be an Ordinary Member of the Military Division of the Third Class, or Companions of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath.

Mentorandunt.-Col. Nicholas Wilson and Maier Thomas Stirling, 64th Regt. would have been recommended for the dignity of Companion of the Order of the Bath had they survived.

Wait Orrice, Pall Mall, Tan. 22.-Royal Artillery-Second Capt. G. H. A. Forbes to be Capt. vice Drayson, placed on the Supernumerary List ; Second Capt. R. J. Hay to be Capt. vice Hardy, killed in action at Lucknow; Lieut. F. N. Oro- made to be Second Capt. vice Forbes ; Lieut. L. S. Joyce to be Second Capt. vice Brevet-Major Owen, placed on the Supernumerary List ; Lieut. R. Gore to be Se- cond Capt. vice Tongs, placed on the Supernumerary List ; Lieut. C. C. Teesdale, C.B. to be Second Capt. vice Hay.; Staff-Sergt. G. W. Taylor to be Quartermaster, by augmentation. The dates of the proportion of the undermentioned Officers to be altered as fol- lows, viz.--Capt. and Brevet-Major E. J. Carthew, to 17th Nov.1857 ; Second Capt. E. P. B. Turner, to 17th Nov. 1657; Capt. G. H. A. Forbes, to 22d Dec. 1857; Second Capt. F. N. Cromartie, to 22d Dec. 1857. The second Christian name of Se- cond Capt. Turner, is Penrose, and not Porter, as stated in the Gazette of the 8th inst.