IN OUR OTHER Mediterranean island, government by Governor's Council is
to begin almost immediately, and the leaders of both political parties, Mr. Mintoff and Dr. Olivier, are talk- ing violence. In the eyes of the Colonial Office, no doubt, Dr. Olivier is too weak to be taken seriously and Mr. Mintoff is considered reck- less and irresponsible. All the same, it is clear that he has the ear of the Maltese people and very likely expresses their will. If the Government doubts this, why does it not have an election or a referendum to make sure? If it does not doubt it, why is it going out of its way to create another Cyprus? No doubt it would be against the in- terests of the Maltese people to break the British connection. But which conceivable British interest, I wonder, will be served by governing them arbitrarily, and against their will?