23 JANUARY 1971, Page 12


Wednesday 13 January: Shortly after 10 o'clock the previous evening Mr Carr's house at Hadley Green was damaged by two bomb explosions; the Secretary of State for Employment and his family narrowly escaped injury but at a hasty Cabinet meeting police protection was extended to all Ministers. In Parliament the maximum fine for discharging oil in Inc waters was raised to £50,000. A £36 million scheme to amalgamate the British Museum Library and throe others (to be called the British Library) was announced. Thursday 14 January: Rumours today of an all-out strike next week by PO workers. At the opening session of the Commonwealth Confer- ence in Singapore, President Kaunda called on all members to sign a declaration denouncing racial discrimination and a pledge to deny aid to racist states. From Dover to Dungeness 1500 tons of oil began to pollute the coastline. Friday 15 January: The worst fears for a pro- tracted postal strike were realised with the re- jection by the PO union of alinal' 8 per cent offer A Government report showed that the cost of living went up by nearly 8 per cent last year. Mr Heath warned the Commonwealth Confer- ence that it was not there `to sit in judgment' on the actions of any of its members', while Tan- zanian delegates distributed a 'Declaration of Commonwealth principles' by President Nyerere. Violence broke out once more in Belfait.

Saturday 16 January: 13 major us and European oil companies today issued a joint ultimatum to

oil-exporting countries requiring them to agree on common terms, in an attempt to end price 'blackmail' by Middle Eastern states. In Ulster, a Londonderry radio transmitter was bombed, the Crumlin Road area was sealed of by troops and Major Chichester-Clark postponed his us visit. The Soviet Embassy in Canberra was hit by two explosions. The Swiss Ambassador to Brazil, held by guerrillas since 7 December, was released' in Rio de Janeiro.

Sunday 17 January: While Mr Heath was sailing within two miles of Russian trawlers patrolling off Singapore, fruitless attempts to water down President Kaundazs 'Declaration of Principles' were being made. The Home Secretary held talks in London with the Northern Irish Pm on the week's rioting in Ulster; sporadic attacks on police and troops continued in Belfast.

Monday 18 January: Post Offices throughout the country besieged today by last-minute post- ing and old-age pensioners trying to draw their money before the strike. Lord Rothermere retired from the chairmanship of Associated Newspapers after 33 years. Frank McManus MP was jailed for six months in Ulster for his part in a civil rights march last year.

Tuesday 19 January: Showdown day on the South African arms issue at the Commonwealth Conference—but all proceedings were held in elaborate secrecy, and eventually adjourned. Telephone girls up and down the country an- nounced they were not joining the PO strike. Paul McCartney announced in the High Court that the Beatles' financial affairs were 'in a grave state'.