No prize is offered this week. The solution will appear in next week's issue. The closing date for No. 1464 is amended to the Friday after the resumption of letter post. Result and winner in the following issue.
1 Walk and classically produce driving tool (6) 4 A daughter whose 'voice was ever soft, Gentle and low' (8)
8 Fairy fixes sole preservers (8) 10 I rang a change for Diarmuid's girl (6) 12 The land of timbers (5) 13 Daring set inclines to be (9) 14 'In skating over thin ice, our safety is in our —' (Emerson) (5) 16 Like a triptych for example (9) 17 Dr Arnold being No. One in that -direc- tion? (9)
19 Hoped Alfred would show where to step on it (5)
21 Yeti's palatial residence? (9) 22 Little weight encloses an expresSion of the past taking gigantic form (5) 24 Signals for excursions (6) 25 She's a star, and what an ankle! (8) 26 Kit's bone fashioned into ibex (8) 27 Yes, let it be welKtempered (6) Down
1 Warmongers from Missouri in a tribal get- together 17)
2 Etiquette in France (5)
3 Pleased that time passed so (7) 5 One of them told the tale of Elsie, Lade and Tillie (7)
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6 Neat decoration on the door of the press? (5.4)
7 Billiard stroke seen in a year to be largely foregathered (7)
9 Bargee (after dieting) (10)
11 'The — of science, and the long result of Time' (Tennyson) (5, 5) 15 I create before the day comes to root things out (9) 17 Show had to reveal elephantine back seats (7)
18 He's at liberty in the city (7) 19 Fish cake (7)
20 A team-mate, when it conies to footing it, does so within the rules (7)
23 Craft gets universal English to lead one a merry dance (5) Solution next week