Gay Liberation
Sir: I like quite a lot of what the Gay Liberation Front says and does, but what has marching against the Industrial Relations Bill to do with the emancipation of homosexuals? I fully appreciate that the struggle against oppression of gay people is part of a wider struggle for the erosion of the sexist ideas which at present per- vade our society, but I cannot quite see how this relates to the present battle between theGovernment and the unions, Certainly I regard the present Government as reactionary and detestable, though unfortun- ately not all of my fellow-homo- sexuals would agree with me. But to see it as the main enemy of gay people, when in fact most of the fault lies with the attitude of society as a whole, seems to me to be missing the point.
However, I am pleased to note that GLP believes in the liberation of homosexuals from 'prejudice and their own senseless guilt-com- plexes' because that is exactly what the Committee for Homosexual Equality is doing. In a very limited way we are already achieving this with our local groups up and down the country whereby homo- sexuals and others can meet to- gether and talk in a setting where they can regard each other as people rather than mere sexual ob- jects. For that, at least, I hope we .. have GLF'S support.
Paul Temperton
Secretary, Committee for Homo- sexual Equality, London wi