23 JANUARY 1982, Page 16

Tourist trail

Sir: May I suggest that Auberon Waugh's fears are based on a dubious premise (9 January)? He assumes that Sunday riffles, readers can read, firstly that journal, and secondly a map. The frequent use of car- toons in the Sunday Times suggests that that paper's staff doubt the first. And the 'failure of any significant number of tourists to find my own pet bit of Austria, despite its discovery by travel correspondents twice in the last decade, is some evidence against the second.

Isuspect that the tourist, in fact, navigates by following the odour trails his fellows left last year. I also incline to suspect that many Spectator readers find the style and values of the Sunday Times s!) alien that their answer to 'Which?' is `Neither'. Mine certainly is.

P. G. Urben

22 Regent Road, Newcastle