ack Tavern, Temple Bar. DEAR SPEC. There is a question which, as a devout Whig and admirer of Lord PALMERSTON, I am anxious to have answered : Who wrote the paragraph in the Chronicle about Captain Boxosao, that led to the late duel?
Mr. BERKELEY denies that he did, and does not say that he showed his " memorandum " to any person except Lord PALMERSTON and Mr. HOWARD of Malmesbury. I have never heard that the latter gentleman was suspected of writing in the newspapers; but it seems to be the general opinion that Lord PALMERSTON has been a frequent contributor to the daily press : and indeed it could only be in this capacity that he attended an annual dinner of my worship- ful brethren of the broad sheet, about a fortnight ago, at Blackwall, where he made a brilliant speech (not yet published) in praise of his own doings as Foreign Minister.
It is not mere curiosity, but the desire to do an act of justice, that makes me ask this question. Not long ago, Lord PALMERSTON quoted in the House of Commons a private letter, apparently from one lady to another.7wh1eh bad been communicated to him in the gossip of conversation. If in addition to thts he is the person who sent to the newspaper a bit of scandal winch Mr. Basica-. LEY felt it necessary to clear himself of the imputation of having published, it is full time that &retire from public life, and leave to the noble lord—aa much better qualified to wear them worthily and discharge them efficiently —the name