23 JULY 1842, Page 20



On the 9th July, in Somerset Street, Portman Square, the Lady of the Hon. Anonyms

MORETON MACDONALD, of a daughter. On the 12th, in Baker Street, the Lady of the Rev. T. D. BARNARD, Vicar of Great

Beddow. Essex, of a son.

On the 13th, at the Vicarage, Littlebury. Essex, Mrs. JOSEPH Wrx, of a eon. On the 14th, at Sevenoaks. the Lady of the Rev. H. TEUSTI HECKER, of a daughter.

On the 15th. at the Sled Parsonage, near Stroud, the Wife of the Rev. W. Pum.mr, of a son, who died on the same day.

On the 15th, at Chesham Place, Belgrave Square, the Wife of E. S. atm, Esq.. Bar-

rister-at-Lnw. of a stillborn girl. On the 15th, at Castle Park, Lancaster, the; Lady of E. G. Holum, Esq., of a daughter.

On the 16th, the Lady of T. D. ACLAND, Esq., M.P., of a son. On the 16th, at Kensington, the Lady of BARRINGTON Tahrtaam, Esq., of a daughter: On the 18th. at the Palace, Ripon, the Hon. Mrs. LONOLEY, of a daughter. Ou the 20th, in Piccadilly. the Baroness Ltower, DE Itcrrescatim, of a son.. On the 20th, in Park Street, the Hon. Mrs. GAGE, of a daughter.

On the 22d, in Cavendish Square. the Marchioness of ilasymos. of a son.

In Dublin, Lady FANNY COLE. of a daughter. At Killiuchy, Ireland, the Hon. Mrs. HENRY WARD, of a daughter.


On the 28th June, at St. Saviour's Church. Bath, linear CHAMBERS MURRAY Car, Esq.. Major in the Fifty-eighth Regiment Bengal Native Infantry, to CATHARINE, third

daughter of the late Rev. T. E. Partridge, of Hillsley, Gloucestershire, and Rector of • Ulev, in the same county.

On the Seth, at the parish-church of Ashton-upon.Mersey, Cheshire, EDWARD WARD D exsoe, Esq.. only son of the Vicar of Dungarvon, and grandson of the late Bishop of Down, TO PENELOPE ELIZA, alld the Rev. EDMUND LANE, Of GIOUCESIOT. IO FLORA Acacia, the third and firth daughters of David Scott. Esq.. of Cross Street. Asliton-upttn.Mersey. On the 14th July, at St. Nicholos, Worcester, CEOROIC Renrown, Esq.. of Golden Square, St. .1arnes's. London, eldest son of the Rev. George Redford. D.D., LL.D.. of this city. to Ernzauent EMMA, eldest daughter of George Bentley, Esq., of Sansome Lodge, Worcester. On the 16th, rut Hertingfordbury, JOHN ERNI/ MONET, Esq., Captain in her Majesty's Thirty-second Regiment, to Ilnexivr LOUISA, eldest daughter of W. H. Sutton, Esq.. of Ilertiogfordbary, Herts. Ou the 18th, at St. Mary's Church. and subsequently according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church at Mourfields. CHARLES FITZGERALD HIGGINS. Esq.. of Tra- falgar Pork, M.tyo. Ireland. to AMELIA Veirroe, only daughter of Sir Richard Paul Jodrell, Bart., of Portland Place, Loudou, Saul Park, Norfolk, and Nethercote Hall, Oxfordshire.

On the 191h, at Hertford. the Rev. ISAAC WILLIAM NORTH, or the Scilly Isles, to ELIZABETH JENNER, third daughter of the late Rev. Edward Buuchier. Rector if Bromfield.

Ou the 20th. at St. James's Church, the Earl of Ilsc-rivx. eldest son of the Marquis Headfort, to Au rua, the only child of William Thompson, Esq., M.P. for the couuty of Westrnorelaud.

On the 21st, the Rev:H. Mawmr;Canon Residentiary And Chancellor of the diocese of Exeter, to Reams, only daughter of the late Vice-Admiral Bentinck.

On the 21st. at All Soul. s' Longhorn Place, EDWARD MAYNE. Esq.. grandson of the late Judge Mayne, to JANE, EIZUghleT of the late Rev. William Woodall, Rector of Bran' stun and Waltham. Lancaster.

At Dublin. JAMES H. Mos/alas, Esq., to Cammorra, daughter of the late Hon. Richard St. Leger, of Killea, Waterford.


On the 1st July. at Netherton 'Parsonage. CATHERINE 'ELisABrrn. the Wife of the Rev. William Lance, Rector of Faccombeeum.T.ingley, Haul.; in her 83d year. On the 13th, at Peumuce, RICHARD Purina, Esq., late H.P. fur Wigan; in his 66th year. Ou the 13th. at Staunton Park, Herefor.l. the Rev. JAMES KING, M.A., fifty years Rector of St. Peter te-Poer, Old Broad Street; in his 76th year. On the 17th, at ui,e Cut lege, Warwick, the Rev. G cones INWER. M.A., fifty years Master of the King's School. and Rector of Hilperton. Wilts; in his 82d year. Oti the 17111. at his residence, Nascent House, near Watford, G. W. Elcarrrs. Escl.• late Receiver Geueml for Hampshire; in his 82d year. On the 1801, at Woodend. the residence of her son, Sir Samuel Crompton. Bart.. Mrs. Ceourrax, Relict of the late Samuel Crompton, Esq., of Wood-eud, Yorkshire ; in her 81st year. On the 19th, at his house. Maine Hill, Greenwich, WILLIAM TAYLOR, Eau" Admirat of the Red, the only surviving officer who accompanied Captain Cook•in his third voy- age round the world, and was present at his death ; in his nal year.

On the 20th, at Norwich, the Rev. Ilmegy Tinsman, A.M.. formerly of Exeter College. Oxford, third son of the late Joshua Kirby Trimmer, Esq.. of Strand-on-the- Green. Middlesex. and grandson of Mrs.Trimmer the Authoress; in his 48th year. On the 22d, in Norfolk Street, Park Lane, MAIDIARET, Wife of General Six Gordon Drummond. At Kitelean, Castlederg, County Tyrone, Mr. Jomv 111'Fantawx ; in his 106th year.