IL and S. Horrocke, Radcliffe, Lancashire. dyers-Haines and Balchin. Godalming, eurgeons -Colman and Cozens, Norwich, solicitors-Morgan and Parson, Feuchurch Street, ship-insurance brokers-H. J ,and C. Tomlinson Friday Street, warehousemen -Volley and Wheeler, Leominster, schoolmistresses-Kenuard and Staite. Upper Thames Street, iron-merchanbi-Pedder and Sugden. Ryde. surgeons-Newcombe and Bedford, Swansea, theatrical-managers-Brown and Jacobs. Lymingtou, attoruies- Cartwright and Jarrett. Louth, woolleadrapers-Johnson and Horner, Leeds. flax- epinners-Cooper and Tall. Kingston upon-Hull, rag merchants-Williams and Bey. aeon. Birmingham. stampers-Marlow and Bell, Richmond. Surrey, tailors-41. S. and It. Philpots, Baubury, drap.ers-Arculus and Wilkes. Birmingham, coal-merchanis- Thewlis and Macaulay, Huddersfield. cottou.twisters-Garsine and Stringer, Stock-
port, iron-fouuders-Lloward and Co. Manchester, puteutee-venders; as far as regards Clark.
INSOLVENT. BIKOLEY, Camuars, Birmingham, coach-maker, July 16.
BANKRUPTCIES ANNULLED, Dewscer, Joule and Wirziam. Tunbridge, builders. iomesox, 7ollit, Leeds, tow-spinuor. BANKRUPTIL
Manse, James and James. Coulsdon, Surrey, lime-merchauts, to surrender Aug. 5. 30: solicitor. Mr. Smith. Bridge Street, Southwark ; official assignee. Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry.
Botenaw, Josetra.„ Liverpool. sail-maker. Aug. 3,30; solicitors, Messrs. Norris and , Co. Bartlett's Buildings; and Mr. Thompson, Liverpool. Beoonx. Josven and Co. Liversege, Yorkshire. blanket.manufacturers. July 30, Aug. 80: solicitors. Messrs. Jaques and Co. Ely Place; and Mr. Watts, Dewsbury. Baowtr. &sum. Liverpool. millwright. July 28. Aug. 30; solicitors. Messrs. Vin- cent and Sherwood, Temple; and Messrs. Brabner and Atkinson, Liverpool. DARBY, CHART.IIS HASSEY. Regent Street. Marylebore. printer. July 29. Aug. 30: so- licitors. Messrs. Wimburu and Co. Chaucery Lane; official assignee. Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street. Low, DAVID, Old Broad Street. merchant, July 26. Aug. 30: solicitors. Messrs. Bruce and Sous. Blather Square; official assignee. Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street. RATE, JOHN. Bourn. feltmunger, July 28. Aug. 341; solicitors, Messrs. Allen and Co. Carlisle Street. Soho Square; and Mr. Winders, Bourn. Sumas, SAMUEL HALSTED, Cambridge, coach-maker, Aug. 1. 30: solicitors, Mr. Pike. Old Burlington Street ; and Messrs. Twiss and Marshall. Cambridge, SPARHAM. SOHN. Preston, Suffolk, miller. Icily 25. Aug. 30: solicitors, Messrs. Chil- ton and Acland. Chancery Lane; and Mr. Wing, Bury St. Edmund's.
SPINK.S. JONATHAN Sucre, and Morsox, ions, Liverpool, coat-merchants. Aug. 3, 30: solicitors. Mr. Cornthwaite, Doctors' Commons; and Mr. Cornthwaite. Liverpool. STUART. Jaunt, Liverpool, draper, Aug. 3, 30 : solicitors, Mr. Oliver, Old Jewry; and Mr. Evans, Liverpool.
Wiest, Joan WILLTAM, Cloak Lane, bookseller, July 27, Aug. 20: solicitor. Mr. Moss, Cloak Lane; officied assignee. Mr. Gibson, Basiughall Street. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM. Goudhurst, Kent. wheelwright. Aug. 2. 30: solicitors, Messrs. Wilton and Blackman, Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Miller, Goudhurst.
Aug. 11, Arnold and Woollen. Clement's Lane. ship-agents -Aug. 11, Steffen. Strood, druggist-Aug, 10, Lamont and Co. Skinner Street. brewers-Aug. 12. Robe and Thompson. lifonksvcirmouth Shore. grocers-Aug. 15, Grimshaw.-Rawcliffe. Yorkshire, draper - Aug. 15, Webb. Forebridge. Staffordshire, corn-dealer-Aug. 29, Redford, Tiverton. upholsterer-Aug. 10. T. and R. Brown. Jarrow, Durham. canvas-manufac- turers-Aug. 12. Daintry and Co. Manchester, bankers -Aug. 13, Turner and Ogden, Leeds, iron-founders-Aug. 11, Buckton. Darlingtou, grocer.
To he granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or Wore Aug. 9.
Rogers, Dale Hill. Stafferdshire, earthenware-manufacturer-Stansbury, Hackney Road, bookseller-Edisbury. Holywell. grocer-Stone, Gloucester, linendraper.
Howrzn, JAMES. Edinburgh, silk-mercer. July 23, Aug. 17. RING, JAMES, junior, Glasgow, writer. July 22, Ang. 26. Patia.les, ANDREW and WILLtam. Aberdeen, upholsterers, July 25, Aug. 15 Friday, July 22.
Holland and Beresford. Glossop. Derbyshire, cotton-spinners-Stocks and Jackson. Manchester. bleachers-Illingwurth and Duncan, Pall Mall, wine-merchants-Robin- son and Plaxton. Beverley. linendrapers-Shepherd and States. Southampton. innkeepers-Pilling .nd Curry, Liverpool, commission-merchants-Stanton and Co. Fordington, Dorsetshire, wool-staplers; as far as regards II. Stanton-Greg and Co. Lancaster, spiuners -Jones and Co. Liverpool. blockmakers - S. and W. Jones,. Liverpool. and E. Bower, New Mills, Derbyshire. conlalealers - W. and H. Davis. Worcester. plumbers-Fysou and Hilton. Bedford. tobacco mann- facturers-Hobson and Walker, York, carriers-Denison and Co. Edon. Yorkshire. scribbling millers-Bowser and Penhey. Wandsworth Road. beer.sellere-T. and J. N. Sar,:ent, Nettiugham, coal-dealers-M. and F. W. Pritchaid, Prees..S1 ropihi re. drapeis -Boutledge aud,Turner. Conduit Street, milliners-Wear, and Robertsou.,Bishop Wear' mouth, Durham, brewers-Greenwood and Johnson. Halifax. Yorkshire. cotton- .spinners - Mayes and Pank. Back Church Lane, St. George's East. liceusees .ictuallers -Williams and Goodison. Little Tower Street. coffee-brokers-J. and J. Cannon. Tewin Mill, Hertfordshire, millers-Morris and Wilson. Blackwell, carpenters- Fawcett and Co. Liverpool, ironfounders ; as far as regards W. It, Prestou.
KNIGHT, STEPHEN. West Hoathley, Sussex. July 21. ltd-Gaisse, June, Liverpool, printer, July 21.
SCALE. RICHARD BURGESS, Halstead, Esaex, farmer.
FAWcus, Hestav and ROBERT, Stockton-upon Tees, timber-merchants. to surrender Aug. 4. Sept. 2: solicitors, Mr. Scaire, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; and Mesas. Swain and CO. Old Jewry.
MILLS, Rom Loudon Wall, canal-carrier, Aug. 1, Sept. : s elicitors. Mr. Wood.
Woodbridge; and Messes. Waterman and Co. Essex Street, Strand; official assignee, Mr. Graham. Basinghall Street.
Reswrom. SAMUEL. Nottingham, ironmonger, icily V, Sept. 2: solicitors, Messrs.
Parsons, Nottingham; and Mr. Yallop. Ferment's Inn.
SEDDON, WILLIAM, and JoRDAN, FRANCES, St. Helen's. Lance shire, millers, Aug. 3,
Sept. 2 solicitous, Messrs. Crump and Hassell, Liverpool; and Messrs. Bettye and Co. Chancery Lane.
SKIES, GEORGE, efalvern Wells, cider-merchant. Aug. 1. Sept. 2; solicitors, Mr.
Reece, Ledbury; and Mr. Elgie, Worcester ; and Messrs. Clarke and Medcalte, Lin- coln's Inn Fields.
Timms, Cuentes, Darlaston Green, Staffordshire. Slot-grinder. Aug. 13, Sept. 2: solicitors. Mr. Harding. Burslem; and Mr. Smith, Southamptou Buildings.
WALSH, JOHN. and HALFORD. ELIZAH. Nottingham, Milers. July 29, Sept. 2: solici-
tors, Mr. Lees, Nottingham and Mr. Taylor, Featherstone Buildings.
YABLONSKY, LAWRENCE, Birmingham, jeweller. Aug. 1, Sept. 2: solicitors, Mr. Harding. Birmingham; anti Mr. Stafford. rtuckiugham street, Strand.
Aug. 13, Crossfield, Whitechapel Road. scrivener-Aug. 13, Palliser, Moorgate Street. eaddler-Aug. 13, Smith. Lawrence Lane. woolleu-warehouseman -Aug. 15, Crook, George Yard, Long Acre, livery stable-keeper-Aug. 15, Butler. Leamiugton Priors. butcher-Aug. 12. J. and W. K. Robson. Newcastle.upou-Tyne, grocers-Aug. 11, Green. Birmingham, glass-manufacturer-Aug. 15. Beal, Saudwich. hayman-Aug. 13, Bird, Coventry. fringe-manufacturer-Aug. 16.- Harris. Faversham. sulker-Aug. 18, Chadwick, Haywood, cotton-spinner-Aug. 19. S., J., and J. Chadwick. Heywood, cotton-spinners-Aug. 12, Gardiner, Bristol. brewer-Nov. 25. Daniell, Trelissick, cop- per-smelter-Sept. 1, Taylor, Brighton. bookseller.
To be granted, unkss cause be shown to the contrary. on or before Aug. 12.
Thompson, Wylam. Northumberland. iron.manufacturer -Robottom, Holborn Hill, tavern-keeper-Laycock, Colme, Lancashire, tallow-chandler-Lamprell. Sherbotne Lane, builder-Piggott, Goldsmith Street, City. carpet-warehousemuu-Quade and Co. Fulbam, brewers.
CRAMER. Annexe?, Pettiesmuir. Dunfermline, shipowner, July 25, Aug. 15. CHARLES, JOHN junior, Glasgow. bookbinder, July 26, Aug. 16.,
Incurs, Davio,Dundee, grocer, July 29, Aug. 19.
LAWSON, Wrussm, Dundee. grocer. July 27, Aug. MI NICHOL, WILI.L01, and TAYLOR, CAMPBELL JOHN Tarr, Edinburgh, lithooaphers, July
27, Aug. 17.
Pam-, THOMAS. Cupar Fife, writer, July 30, Aug. 16. Sccrrr, JAMES, Drumachuru, Gleutibee. -farmer, July 29, Aug. 19. Serra, Tuorams PEAT, Blairgowrie. merchant. Aug. 1. 22.