BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)
Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Wedses.1 Thurs. Friday.
3 per Cent. Consols .....
Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced 31 per Cents Reduced New 34 per Cents Long Annuities
Bank Stock, 7 per cent.
India Stock, 101 Exchequer Bills. 2d. per diem India Bonds, 3t per cent 901 91 911 1004 991 124 166* 248ezd. ' 93 901 ex d. 91 911 1001 991 ex d.
124 1651 42 pm. 28 pm. 90* 901 914 1004 99* 124 166 43 901 901 9; 10011 99i 121 1664 248 45 901 901 • 914 1001 991 124 1661 249 46 28 901I 901 914 1001 100 124 1661 • 46 20 (Last Official Qu FOREIGN FUNDS.
otation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) p. CL - ' Mexican 5 p. Ct.
Ditto (Deferred) 5
- - Michigan 6 - - 101} Mississippi (Sterling).. - - 624 Neapolitan 5 -
- - New York (1855) 5 -
-- -IT - .4 pOhioe n n sy Ivatiia 5 -.6 -
- 21 Peruvian 6 -
82} Portuguese 3 - 10511}1 Di
itt 5 (New) 5 - - Russian 5 - - Spanish 5 - - Ditto (Passive) - Ditto (Deferred) - South Carolina 62 Tennessee - United States Bank
- Virginia. 5 Alabama (Sterling) 5
Arkansas (1863) 6 Austrian 5
Belgian 5
Brariliau 5 Buenos Ayres 6 Cuba 6 Chiltern 6 Columbian of 1824 6
Dauinh 3 - Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 2} -
Ditto (Ditto) 5 - French 3 - Ditto 5 -
Indiana(Sterling) 5
Illinois 6 - Kentucky 6 -
Louisiana (Sterling) 5 -
Maryland 6 -
Massachussetts (Sterling)5 - 5P. CL
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Bstras-
- Australasian British North American Colonial - London and Westminster - London Joint Stock Nationalof Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of London DOCICS - East and West India London St. Katherine
MUCELLANEOUS- Australian Agricultural
British American Land Canada General Steam
New Zealand
Royal Mail Steam South Australian Van Diemen's Laud Mums- Bolanos Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cate. Branca
Cobre Copper
Cheltenham and Great Western Eastern Counties Grand Juuction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester.
Londonand Brighton
London and Blackwell Loudon and Greeuwich
London andBirmingham
London and Croydon Manchester and Leeds Midland Counties North Midland South-Pastern and Dover South-western 9 86}
33} 9} 6 179 124 75 69} 591 2211 62
Gold, Foreign in Bars .....per os 81. 17s. itel. Old Spanish, or Pillar Dollars 0 0 0 Mexican Dollars 0 4 10 fiver In Bars. Stavdard 0 4 11
Copper, British Caltes..per ton 891. Os. to 0 • Iron, British Bars 5 10 0- 0 0
Lead, British Pig 18 0 0-, 1510
Steel, English 0 0 0- 0 0
36} 91 75 75
16} 19} 544 33} 1141 21} 4* 91 0+
22 124 15} 35} 40
9+ 104}es d 82 994 ex d.
31 ex 2411 5
Although our supplies of English Grain generally have been moderate during the week, the deficiency has been amply made up by the large Importations of Foreign, The demand for Wheat is at present extremely limited, and although there are not many samples of English left over from the beginuing of the week. Monday's prices are barely supported. GRAIN, Mark Lane, July 214.
Toms-made per sack 53s. to 570• Seconds 48 - 52
Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 43 - 48
Norfolk and Stockton 43 45 BRAN per quarter Os. to Os. POLLARD. One Os. to Os. BREAD, 8d. to 9'd. the 41b. Loaf.
Hay, Good Inferior New Clove Straw, Wheat Beef Mutton Veal Pork Lamb • To sink the offal-per gibs. HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD.
Deur,. Sheep. Calves. Tills.
Friday fie 9,930 430 SID
Monday 2.454 81.700 IMO --
TEA. Bohea, fine, p. Hs. Is. Sd. -16.4d.
0 6 -a t
• In Bond-Duty Ss. Id. per lb. COFFEE. fine (inbd) per cwt. 12tts. 1490. Good Ordinary
80s. to 78*.
SUGAR. Museovado.per owL 34,131d. West India Molasses ... 244. to ills. Od. Wheat, RedNew SS to 54 Fine 54 56
1Vbite 56 .. 6e
Fine 60 .. 62
grxerthseNew,63: .. :Is Rye 33 to 37
Barley . 84 Cl Malting 97 Malt, Ordinary 30 55 Fine 54 .. 56 Pe., Hog 30 . 31 Maple 3i (0 33 White 93 34 Boilers 35 80 Beans, lIcks 29 .30
Old 36 .. BS
Harrow It .. 34 s• a. Oats, Feed.., 18 to 19
Fine 19 .. CI
Poland V3 .. es
Fine 94 . 00
Potato 25 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England sad Wales. For the present Week.
Wheat 64s 34 I Rye 33s 5d Wheat Ss Od !Rye Barley 67 • Bee.. .... 04 4 Barley 9 0 Beans 0 6
Oats. .. 8 Pea. 39 10 Oats 6 0 Peas *
BUTTER-Best Fresh, 13s. Od. per doz. Carlow, 41.7.. to 41.104. per wt. BACON, Small New, per cwt. 484. to 50•. CHEESE. Cheshire 56s. to Ons. Derby Plata Ms. to 61k. HAMS, York 'Nis. to ieSs EGGS. French... per 120 es. 9d to es. 64.
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
60.,84 0 .. 0 50 GO . 0 .. 0
50 90 114 .. 120 45 ..I10 80 •„ 116 .. .. 95 .. Its
29 . 42 86 40 SO . 46 0 .. e
Rent Pockets . . ....... to I30s. York Reds. per c.11 Ns. to 100s Choice Ditto 140 - ISO Ware 0 - 0 Sussex Pockets 110 - ISO Middling 0 Superfine Ditto 122 126 Chats 0 0
NEWOATE AND LEADENHALL.• SMITtiMILD.• Ss. 44 to Ss. 6d. to 40. Od. Ils. OM. to 85.194 to 4.. M.
50 .. 3 6 . 4 0 • 0 _.4 • ..4 8 2 8 .. 9 8 .. 4 8 3 8 .. 4 0 ... 4 8 B 0 .. 4 0 4 8 3 8 ..4 0 .., 4 l0 4 8 .. 0 • .. 5 4
OILS, COALS, CANDLES. Oil per tun 441. Ss.
45 0 Linseed Oil ....... ........... 81 0 Linseed Oil Cake ..... ..per 1000 18 10 CANDLES, per doses, 0s.0d. to Os. Od. Moulds (6d. per dos. discount) Os. Od.
COALS, Helton 90,04.
Tees 184.04.