The innumerable benefit concerts of the season seldom present any-
thing worthy of notice, but there was one this week which may bo re- garded as an exception. This was a concert for the benefit of M. Lich- tenstein, an Hungarian refugee, 'at the house of Sir Joshua Wabmiley : Madame Theresa Pulszky gave her assistance to her countryman, and showed that she adds great musical skill to her other accomplishments. The concert had one feature of some novelty—the performance of Beet- hoven's beautiful septet in E flat, by Madame Pulszky and M. Lichten- stein, as a duet for the seraphine and pianoforte; a combination which brought out the effects of the original seven instruments very completely. The qualities of the seraphine are not sufficiently known : it is a very charming chamber instrument, and, united to the pianoforte, it affords the composer or arranger an infinite variety of resources.