23 JULY 1853, Page 18


OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, July 18.—Royal Regt. of Artillery—Col. P. H. Wallace to be CoL-Commandant, vice Major-Gen. Armstrong, dec.; Lieut.-Col. G. B. Fraser to be Col. vice Wallace ; Brevet Major J. 11111 to be Lieut.-Col. vice Fraser ; Sec. Capt. C. W. Younghusbaud to be Capt. vice Hill; First Lieut. H. L. F. Groins to be Sec. Capt. vice Younghusband; Sec. Lieut. G. J. Smart to be First Lieut. vice Greville.

Memorandum.—The dates of the promotion of the undermentioned officers have been altered as follows, viz.—First Lieut. J. T. Browne, to the 21st June 1853; First Lieut. C. J. Tyler. to the 28th June 1853.

ADMIRALTY, July,19.—Corps of Royal Marines—Second Lieut. G. Naylor to be First Lieut. vice W. Hutchinson, cashiered.