On Monday the Copsol Market opened dull and heavy at the latest prices of Saturday, 9.51 95a, and business has throughout the week been of a very trifling character, the tendency being generally downwards and the closing quotation of this afternoon showing a decline of nearly per cent. The Budget did not exercise any material influence on prices, but the statement with regard to Indian finance created heaviness. Politics as usual have had a certain effect upon the Market, and disappointed speculators are loud in their denouncements of the peace established at Villafranca, and ever in- genious in discovering a bad motive in every act of the Emperor of the French. Stock Exchange politicians are about the least reliable of any, as with them more immediately, views are taken in accordance with the state of the book; thus a "Bear" for the time most sincerely believes, or affects to believe, in invasion, whilst a " Bull " professes to feel ashamed that any such notion should prevail ; but whichever side loses, something is sure to be found in the conduct of Louis Napoleon to account for it ; the gainer on the other hand attributes his fortune to his own foresight.
Business has been very quiet and no great excitement has occurred all the week. The Market closes dull this afternoon. Consols 94 95, and with a disposition to lower figures; Bank Stock, 221 223 ; Reduced and New, 95 9.51; India. Stock, 220 222. Money has been in increased demand out of doors, and large amounts of bullion continue to be exported to the continent. Loans on Government securities have ranged about 11 per cent.
There has been great inactivity and dulness in the Foreign Market, and prices have in most cases receded from the late rise. Turkish: Stocks have been particularly dull, and have fallen 3 per cent ; the annual drawing of the Old Six per Cents took place in Paris on the 18th instant, which may, in some measure, account for the fall, as many persons had bought in antici- pation of having the good fortune to possess a drawn bond, the profit for 1001. Stock being equal at the present Market value to nearly 211 per cent; Venezuela, 28 29, is dull, and Mexican, 183 18i, about 1 per cent flatter. Money continues abundant at 21 per cent. The following are the closing prices of the. Stocks mostly dealt in :—Turkish Six per Cent, 79 80; Ditto, New, 79 70 ; Grenada, 17 18 ; Victor Emmanuel, 88 90 ; Sardinian, 86 88' Russian, 110 112 ; Austrian, 5 die. to par ; Belgian Four-and-a-half, 98 100; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 39 91 ; Ditto, Three per Cent, 68 70 ; Portuguese, 44 45. In the Railway Share Market business hoe been only partial, and a de- cline in the value of the principal lines will be noticed. The traffic returns are generally speaking good, but prices are just now chiefly influenced by the state of the English Market. Midland has receded 1 per cent, 1031 104, and London and North-Western, 11 per cent, 941 95 ; Caledonian, 821 83 ; London and South-Western 941 954 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 951 95:, are each 1 per cent lower ; Blackwall, 65 G7; Brighton, 111 113; Great Western, 60 601; North Staffordshire, 4 3: die. ; Great Northern, 102104; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 32 33. The Foreign Market is dull and prices all lower, but with little business doing. Lombardo-Venetian Shares are quite 1 per cent lower, 11 1: prem. for the New and 14 2/ for the Old ; Namur and Liege, 7 8 ; Parr- and Lyons, 34 341; Northern of France 361 37 ; Luxembourg, 6a 6a ; Simbre and Meuse, 6 61. The decline on the Paris Bourse assists in keeping prices low on this side. There has been a good deal of business doing in Joint Stock Banks this week, and a considerable fluctuation has daily taken place. Bank of London after being about 3 per cent lower, closes 48 49 ; London and Joint Stock Shares declined 3 per cent when it was known the dividend would be only 121 per cent, the quotation is now better, 30 31' ; Bank of Egypt, 20 21; and Ottoman Bank, 18 181 about 4 per Cent worse; Stocks and Shares are all extremely heavy at the close today.