Heroines of the Household. By the Rev. W. Wilson. (James
Hogg and Sons.)—A rather clip-trap title for a collection of biographical notices of religious women, Monica the mother of Augustine, Olympia Morata, Lady Heinle of Jerviswood, Mrs. Sehimmelpenninck, and a few others. The book calla for no detailed criticism.
We have also received Vol. III. of The Works of William Shakespeare, by the Rev. Alex. Dyce, Second Edition (Chapman and Hall) ; Part X. of Lowndes's Bibliographers' Manual, New Edition (H. G. Bohn) ; Vol. IV. of a cheap edition of Mr. Pierre Irving's Life of Washington Irving (H. G. Bohn) ; the second edition of Mr. Bain's admirable treatise on the Senses and the Intellect (Longman and Co.), which has been thoroughly revised and in part re-written by the author ; a new edition, by Messrs. Dawson W. Turner and Fred. L. Weinman; of Dr. Ahn's well-known German Grammar (Trabner and Co.) ; a Practical English Grammar, by Roscoe Mongan (Longman and Co.); Latin Prose Com- position, by John Massie, A.M. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.), which treats of the forms which subject and predicate assume, or of the construc- tion of clauses ; a Progressive Latin Anthology, by the Rev. H. M. Wil- kins, M.A. (Longman and Co.); an Elementary Treatise on Orthographic Projection and Isornetrical Drawing, by W. S. Binns (Longman and Co.) ; Papers on Popular Education and Schoollx.soing (Longman and Co.), a little volume in which Dr. Sullivan gives us the results of his long experience as an inspector of schools in Ireland, and as professor in the Dublin training schools ; also, an English Dictionary and the Spelling- Book Superseded (Longman and Co.), of which the former has reached a thirteenth, and tho latter an eighty-ninth edition ; Legal Forms (Effing- ham Wilson), in which Mr. James Walter Smith, Barrister-at-Law, gives timid people forms of receipts and notices to quit, as well as of leases and bills of exchange ; Part III. of Dr. Latham's Dictionary of the English Language (Longman and Co.) ; the May number of the Rose, Shamrock, and Thistle Magazine (W. Kent and Co.) ; Part IV. of Dr. Cumming's Life and Lessons of Our Lord (John F. Shaw and Co.); Part XV. of Mr. Watts' Dictionary of Chemistry (Longman and Co.), which completes the letter H ; Part I. of Routledge's Shakespeare, edited by Mr. Staunton, and illustrated with genuine, if rather coarse humour by Mr. Gilbert; Part IV. of Dalziels. Illustrated Arabian Nights (Ward and Lock), in which Mr. Houghton outdoes himself in the picture of Nonreddin All on his journey towards Arabia ; the Anniversary Address of the President of the Anthropological Society (Trubner and Co.) ; a translation into blank verse of Homer's Botracho-myo-machia, by T. S. Norgate (Williams and Norgate) ; a translation into German of Four American Poems, by C. T. Eben (Fred. Leypoldt) ; and the Autobiography of a Cat (Emily Faithfull).