[To THE 17DITO5 OF THE "SPECTATOR."J Sin,—In your interesting article
on "Old-Age Pensions," in the Spectator of July 16th, you suggest that, if practicable, 7e. a week for every one would be deliverance out of his present distress. Are you prepared to put Englishmen into leading- strings and dole the pittance out daily ? Otherwise privation and misery will again triumph. At our Guardians' Board meeting last week an army pensioner was before us "starving and destitute." He has 7s. 7d. a week, but it is paid once a quarter in advance. It was paid on July 1st, and on July 14th he appealed for admittance into our workhouse. "What will you do with me, I am starving ?" Can any scheme cure drinking and recklessness F—I am, Sir, &c., M. L. H.